This man has DESTROYED sensible career aspirations for an entire generation of children/teenagers who now all say they want to be a 'professional gamer' for a career.
This man has DESTROYED sensible career aspirations for an entire generation of children/teenagers who now all say they...
blame their stupid parents instead
dude is simultaneously awe inspiringing as he is infuriating, is it the hair?
Gamer nation is finally happening; my race? gamer, my ethnicity; gamer, we gamer bros will finally establish kekistan in our lifetime bros
He should get a real job.
He has a real job if it pays his bills retard.
i remenber when kids anted to be astronauts or president
now they want to be youtubers or gaymers
normalise castrating white people
My dad wants to be a professional gamer and has been streaming on twitch 24/7 screaming at the top of his lungs with the loudest music he can put from like 8 AM to 3 am of the next day.
Here I am, with two exams tomorrow, can't go to sleep early, can't wake up early or late, can't study in peace, I wish Ninja was never born.
Define "real job"
based gamer dad
That man destoyed his own hairline which is far worse.
>no you cant make money with something you enjoy
>he should get shoved in an office and work OT so shekelstein can write himself bigger bonus checks
I haven't watched a single video of him. Is he THAT endearing?
It's not that different from kids who watch sports and then want to be a professional athlete
He's fucking awful, an extreme brat, constantly reporting people who kill him in Fortnite an getting them banned, plays victim all the time, is super loud and quirky, rude too.
Funny Story:
I was at my trading card shop trying to shop for some magic cards and I wanted some caffeine. I asked if they had any red bulls and the shop owner says yeah, but it's a "Ninja" Red Bull they got from a lootcrate.
Neither of us knew who he was, but I bought the drink and drank it and threw it in the trash. Later I learned he's supposedly some big name.
I find it kind of funny the total lack of reverence to be found in a tabletop shop for this guy.
okay fatty
The dude plays video games what were you expecting?
Tell him to have your mom open an onlyfans
>makes billions
>still "not a real job"
It's literally the same shit as all the kids who wanted to be rockstars in the 80s/90s but never actually bothered to learn an instrument.
The world has changed, and it's left you behind.
run in on his stream and give him a lecture that fits in one minute so he gets an epic clip to boost his views
>tfw fell for this meme years ago when I was 18
>studied video games at university
>no jobs
>end up working in Starbucks
Am I the only one who wants to beat the shit out of him just on principle?
He would if he could, he'd do anything for attention, but my mom is busy working all day and yelling at him when she comes home because he won't even wash the dishes.
I have his skin on fortnite.
All career streamers are like this, they can't handle losing to someone else in a game because their ego has become massively overinflated.
more like zoomers realized they didnt want to wage 50 years
>I dont need to worry about school, im gonna be like Mike and make millions.
Ya know, one person having that much money seems really unethical.
We should redistribute it. Forcibly.
Good, that just makes it easier for the rest of us to get jobs
i remember seeing this faggot when he was too shit to cut it in the halo mlg scene and had like 10 viewers every day
>anime tiddies on screen
>Are ya winnin' dad?
my nephew said nobody likes ninja anymore :T
Lmao seething waggie
>bro why aren't you playing the lotto you could be a millionaire like X
It's really frustrating seeing gamers talk about so many topics directly affected by greater-scope politics but never having the courage to face it. Just retreating back into their safespace about video games.
Still hilarious when they flip their shit when they lose though. Shows how spoiled they are.
Your right that he was never good at halo (he was pro in reach but reach is dogshit so who cares) but saying he couldn't get viewers is flat out false.
Lol he has made more money in the last few years alone then you will in your entire life with your "real" job, seethe and cope
I mean who the fuck would want to be president anymore? I remember kids all wanting to be paleontologists cause of Jurassic Park.
You do realize most progamers play for 3-10 years then retire and go to school and enter the work force, right?
This man has DESTROYED sensible career aspirations for an entire generation of children/teenagers who now all say they want to be a 'paleontologist' for a career.
It’s just butthurt tradies who want everybody to go into a boring trade fixing shitty toilets and electrical outlets lol
Hey, shut the fuck up amigo! Happy big friday.
nah it was when he was doing dayz streams to pretty much no audience
So, are you in, or?
Turn the whole thing into a meme channel with the son being the responsible adult and the dad being the fortnite toddler and you and your dad would probably make money. If this is real go help your dad out.
thats celebrities period, people are getting rich and famous for more and more petty things. yesterday it was sports, acting, music, etc. today its streaming, social media influencing, reacting videos.
I mean being a streamer or pro gamer or whatever is actually a completely viable career option, even if it's only short term, if you are successful you can make enough money to make yourself a really nice sizable nest egg if you are smart with your money, I mean the odds are against you making it, but that's true for a lot of shit in life.