Stopped playing PC games over a decade ago

>stopped playing PC games over a decade ago
>finally get a new PC that can play games
>still have to try and figure out if I can even run anything since every fucking game has completely different recommended hardware that I don't know how it compares to mine
Why in 2020 has Valve still not implemented a system in steam where looking at a games page you could have it scan your PC to determine if you can run it and at what setting?

Attached: 4b03114d596edeb070490b4daf1a78e7.gif (400x280, 1.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because that'd practically be impossible, would require even more spying, and you need to stop being a lazy motherfucker.

Attached: 773.jpg (481x351, 15.77K)

that ain't working

no they can just have a button you click, and when you do it asks for admin access, checks your PC against the recommended game requirements and gives you an estimated performance rating.

Not hard, easy in fact.

Is that site even safe? It just looks really shitty layout wise

That's the way you do it.


why would you want that? if you're a pc gamer you atleast know how to check and compare specs, right?

Attached: 12c.jpg (1120x800, 105.11K)

It says what the minimum and recommended hardware should be for said game.
Also learn your PC specs.

Been using it since 2005 and don’t have malware yet

You play the sitar on the empty street.

Attached: UstadNishatKhan.jpg (5184x3456, 1.16M)

If the little faggot with the earring and the makeup can afford his own jet airplane, surely you can afford a PC that can run any game.

You gotta be kidding me or are a console troll. Start up the game, and let it auto-detect your system and auto-adjust settings. Boom.

Look at 'em yo-yos

just buy the best pc possible, and you won't have to figure anything out.

it aint fair, that little faggot is a millionare

Holy shit OP, are you a massive retard or something? Literally just look up your specs okay? Alright alright cool you got that. Now look up the specs the game recommends. Righty-ho bro. Now compare them... HOLY SHIT! Now you know if you can run them or not. Ain't that insane and wacky?

Attached: 1596662707531.jpg (328x277, 10.71K)


we have to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveryayayay


>don’t have malware yet
that you know of

>Start up the game
He wants to know before getting the game.
>let it auto-detect your system and auto-adjust settings
What percentage of games actually have this function?

I'm not gonna pay money for a game just to find out if it works or not after

We got to move these, refrigerators, got to move these colored tvs

lol what does that even mean. It's like if you said you aren't sick but someone says "well you don't KNOOOW that". Like, what the fuck? lol

Hoola moolah

steam will refund anything played under two hours near instantly

>colored tvs
*TVs of color

Now that ain't workin'
That's the way you do it
You make the shitposts on the board called Zig Forums


Yeah when it comes to RAM it's simple but every game has a different recommended processor and most of the time it's frustrating to find out if mine compares to the other

>He wants to know before getting the game.
If you have hardware released in the past 4 years, it'll play modern games.
>What percentage of games actually have this function?
Have no idea. But games as far back as 2004 have had this built in.

How old is your hardware? I've literally never had to worry about this problem because I know what's in my system.

No, it really isn't at all. Say you have a Poop9000 CPU, the game recommends PeePee42. Look up "Poop9000 vs PeePee42" and see which is faster or if they're comparable. That's it.

Attached: 1596322391069.jpg (441x352, 32.41K)

I spent 3k on a pc and i never worry about maxing out the game.

Sounds like you built a shit pc

Comes with the territory. If you want all that freedom of choice and power, you have to be able to handle it. Don't climb into a spaceship and complain that you can't find the gas pedal.

Look at that yo-yo

Sultans of Swing > Money for Nothing

It's intentional. Even if the game runs like shit, the'll gamble with the chance that you'll not return the game within those 2 hours

Disagree, but not by much

That ain't workin'
That's the way you do it
replies for nothin' and your (you)s for free