SGDQ 2020

SGDQ 2020

Current: Simps
Next: Billy Hatcher


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I'm black and i'm proud of it.

incredible! a world record!

Attached: file.png (847x338, 334.29K)

Goose is a LITERAL nazi

Attached: KF8M_OdS_400x400.jpg (400x400, 33.15K)

I'm proud of you user

all trannies should die.

based nigger

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He did nothing wrong, yet his is forever banned.

whitegoose is a filthy cheater but he made the most objective take on speedrunning

Everyone dies

>hating the genius dental destroyer

Attached: goose.png (606x566, 97.19K)

When's the next weeb-block?

Attached: silmirprint.png (2400x2400, 1.14M)

The run was over too fast

speedrunning is a natural conclusion of any video game with a way to play it better, same as is, say, score leaderboards and such.

Is that a MLP body pillow? wtf

I left to brush my teeth and get cereal how was the Baldur's Gate run?

you shouldn't be (you) entitled cunt

Thought that was Orson Welles there for a second. Turns out it's Vince Vaughn.

Touhou Shoot the Bullet later tonight.

Attached: __kirisame_marisa_touhou_drawn_by_yukiu_kon__e929655ea32330f09fe08f5e8b68d762.jpg (522x700, 77.18K)

You didn't do anything for it, your parents did. Nothing to be proud of.

if he thinks being a billionaire is a result of intelligence then he's not that smart.

MLP is not allowed. reported

give it time

How disastrous must this lady's house be to warrant using a shitty greenscreen?

Kill yourself.


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I want to cuddle her

who is this and what is her onlyfans?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-08-20 at 8.42.30 AM.png (320x199, 82.56K)

one of the least annoying runs so far, and a WORLD RECORD

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It's in 2 days

Great video games

Cloaked and ran past everything except mandatory bosses which he cheesed with ice/fire wands
It was pretty good.

There's no background as comfy as Isabelle's desk.

Attached: iZikTSRa7VUU6FMKTkHfDf.jpg (1920x1080, 207.8K)

she looks very very weird

no shit I thought it was orson welles too


>be streamer
>have absolute SHITTY mic
why is this so common? I only play with 1 (one) friend over voice and I use a cheap USB mic that's godlike. What the FUCK are they using?

Daily reminder that MSF:

>provides medical supplies and treatment to ISIS fighters
>provides food and water to known terrorist cells
>provides food and medical aid to migrants attempting to illegally enter foreign nations
>personally commits illegal human trafficking
>exchanges food, water, and drugs for sex

Let's break $2MIL this GDQ!

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Can we ban GDQ threads on Zig Forums? They're just tranny breeding pools.


>hazbin poster
KYS tranny

Living the dream


Attached: soy3.png (580x624, 91.87K)

Daily reminder that Hazbin Hotel ran a patreon but hasn't released another episode in 9 months.

Haven't been watching, what's the tranny count up to in this event?
Are we at the same level as the previous few years, higher, lower?
If it's lower is it because they 41%'d?

are you telling me my skullcandy gamer headset isnt studio-quality?

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user they literally do the most autistic hobby for 80 hours a week. Do you really think they have time to get a job and buy a good mic.


It was mainly a WR because no one plays the Beamdog trash though.

IQ is the single most consistent factor for financial success.

She looks albino

start the vidya games already

We need a /videogameSpeedRuns/ Board. Chink moot already made like 50 irrelivant video game boards. Speedrunning is actually popular.

>Correlation is causation

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Hazbin Hotel. It's pretty good. Best use of blush stickers.

that's what makes her kinda hot. I mean you see 10/10 faces in porn every other day, but it's the flawed ones that get me erect

What's the story here?

>No Risk Of Rain 2 Speedrun

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lmao why?

You can literally track their boats online and watch them drive between Africa and Europe, delivering niggers to rape your children.

SGDQ but Zig Forums votes in the runs when?

Whoa! Almost as if they're.,.. doctors... without... borders???

trannies hate that show because all the fags and dykes are in hell

I get that I like to jerk off to fat ugly chicks but her face scares me

>Meme of Shit 2

I want to fuck that angel

you might've just cracked the code user

When talking about normal Income and Wealth ranges as it related to IQ, there's definitely a positive correlation, but when considering hyper wealthy people, it really does come down to luck, a stroke of genius, and slimy things to join the ultra wealthy.

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Who here is actually transsexual?

everyone except me

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Give me a source on all the claim or shut the fuck upp.

overslept and missed LBA2 FUUUUUUUUUCK


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is any of that supposed to matter to me? that's what doctors do, they treat people. ever heard of the hippocratic oath?
>Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick
sounds like doctors without borders to me, you literal retard

We need a tranny board, leave it online for like 6 months until all the trannies post in there and then just blanket IP range ban them all.

IQ accounts for some of the variance between low and High wealth people.
So yes, it does in fact cause some of it, just not all of the difference.