"here is your new alice bro.enjoy!"

>"here is your new alice bro.enjoy!"


Attached: hyse-kim-alice14.jpg (1620x1910, 781.4K)

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damn mcgee is obsessed with alice

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eyes too big. tone it down bruh

These yes are just disgusting, and not in a good creepy way.

Anyone else get the feeling that she looks indian with this new model?

It's his only product that hasn't flopped hard so far. Also he gets to channel his mental issues into the story and character.

Same, to be honest.

My wife

redpill me on american mcgee

Well, since this is a kickstarted game, he might listen to the criticism fans give him, I'm more worried for his mental health though, since lost his sister not that long ago

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Is he going Psychonauts Returns style with this as a prequel or?

Attached: ayyslyum.jpg (560x304, 22.33K)

There was a bunch of complaints about the face so they're going to fix that up over the next week.

Ask me anything you want about the game's development.

>Ask me anything you want about the game's development.
How many dresses are planned for the full game?

The photo you choose is better then the video. The large eye's are weird and the nose profile is ugly. The dress was OK and the body is also fine. But if they just did it exactly what the artist in your photo drew it would be better. People think doing a theme is better but it's not just make her behave strange not look strange.

Why don't these "more women in video games" gremlins ever agitate for more actually good games like Alice or Mirror's Edge

Sequel. Spoilers for the current premise: Alice liberates the asylum from the second game but has trouble adjusting to adult life. Time passes and she attempts suicide, which leads to an internal conflict where she has to accept chaos as a constant in life instead of something to be defeated.

There's a whole bunch. Going to need a minute to pull up the concept art. Be right back.

The artist is going to fix it soon.

>Dad tried to scoop out his eye with a spoon kill him whe was 13 but ended up killing himself while drunk driving
>Mother abandoned him and ran away with her transsexual lover, using all her money for her lover's operation
>Sister dissapeared, most likely murdered
>Lives on a boat

Because these retards only have surface level knowledge about vidya and anime, that's why these assholes complain about Uzaki-chan now, despite the fact that she had a manga before all this

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Eyes too big other than that it's ok.

He also worked on OG doom, pretty talented programer, and the name "American" is his actual name, his mother wasn't all there

>A tranny took the money of a family to go through an operation that would make him part of the 41%

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I don't want to post the concept image (they're not going to reflect the final product at all), but I counted at least 25. Some of the dresses represent the various stages of grief, some are reinterpretations of her asylum gown, and some are themed after something called "Harvest." It's probably not that hard to find what I'm talking about if you go through the right channels.

He lives in Shanghai, not a boat. That was only for the Pirate Jam, which is his weird way of networking with other developers.

Kill yourself, dude.

>tfw no schizo gf

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>not that long ago
It's been 5 years, dude.

The second one was pretty bad anyway desu

I want to breed her

The artstyle of Madness Returns was fantastic and it could have been something great if it wasn't so clearly rushed and had many aspects of it scrapped.
The artbook shows how it is one of the saddest examples of wasted potential.

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it was fairly mediocre gameplay wise. combat sucked ass though in my opinion

>that hook nose

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Oh wow, didn't even realize that they posted a bunch of the dresses on the wiki.

100 ideas, 0 budget, the man.

when is he going to get the green light from EA? all the shit he's doing is nice but if EA is just going to say no in the end for whatever reason then what was the point of all this?

i thought it was supposed to be a prequel to the first game?

i love alice

This is pretty good

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He claims that investment talks are on hiatus until September. The team is currently working on pitch bibles and design documents along with a concept for a "Wizard of Oz" spin-off game that EA apparently wants, for some reason. It's a bit of a mess right now.

The current story is a sequel. Not sure when you would have heard that it was going to be a prequel but it's definitely different now.

Yeah, there are some pretty great looking ones. Hopefully most of them will make it to the final game (if the game even comes out).

A McGee style retelling of Wizard of Oz would actually work really well. Alice and Oz are essentially the same story anyway.

What do you even search for designs like this? I can't think of anything specific enough to be reliably searched.