"why yes, i do use cheat engine while playing fall guys and win each episode i play, how could you tell?"

>"why yes, i do use cheat engine while playing fall guys and win each episode i play, how could you tell?"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Git gud

>luck simulator
>git gud
remove all the team game modes and the random fruit spawn, then i'll think about getting gud

Anyone could tell by how bad you are lel

cringe, i simply give myself a little more speed and a little more air dive force, that way i can carry all the shitty team based matches

>still lose
inb4 "J-Just griefing la..."

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yeah, i wonder why people would even think about cheating this 100% luck based game...

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Joe... better luck next time

he beat you to it

Attached: Screenshot (71).png (750x138, 15.3K)


What's even the point? How do you find cheating in fucking fall guys to be fun?

i imagine all the kids starting to seethe once they see me leaping through the whole map, and that's unironically fills me with joy

Who's Joe?

Maybe in like CoD people would get mad over cheating, but in Fall Guys? People are going to say 'okay' or just leave the game if they care to much.


you overstimate kids and reddit tryhards

>report cheater
>get banned
can't make this shit up

Attached: file.png (300x55, 7.77K)

You're living a fantasy.

Just give yourself the achievement. There are hacks for that.

Maybe if you actually took a extra couple seconds to type your sentences right, then you wouldn't need to impress the class with your epic hacker abilities.

meant for


Not even the first time either. Egg game came up and when everyone saw his cheating the teams unified to get the win to someone else. His team wound up having 2 points.
>my team is griefing me wtf

Cheating defeats the purpose of playing the game in the first place.

Essentially watching a movie that says your name for a dopamine rush. Weird, I'd rather lose on my own than win artificially .

Who is this Egg guy? He sounds like a sperg.

>cheating on a literal children's game

how pathetic can you get?

>cheating on a kids game
Oh no no no no

it wouldn't feel right if i cheat the unlock

>Essentially watching a movie that says your name for a dopamine rush.

also cope

I'm just saying if you are going to cheat it's easier unlock the achievement than win 5 games in a row by cheating.

who the fuck cares about achievements

exactly, unlocking the achievement requires no skill, while slightly cheating stuff like speed and dive force makes it doable, while still keeping it challenging

without cheating, all the fruit spam and team games are 100% luck, that shitty achievement is simply design to make you play 1k hours until you get it

the losing goal was himself

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for the record, i fucked up a 4 win streak on the memory game, kek

Cheating is cheating. Also dialate, cope, sneed, etc.

if it's fall guys and not something where you're cheating to compensate for a lack of skill then no

You can't cheat Fall Guys with CE, right?

How is he so bad

it's always cheating, but one type of cheating requires skill, the other not. it's not fun at all to unlock ahievements with sam, like what was the point of buying the game?

cheating in-game is fun on the other hand. honestly, i paid 18 euros for the game and fell ripped off because it's an rng-fest, but not after like 10 hours of making kids seethe i don't feel the buyer's remorse anymore

don't worry. he'll be back tomorrow

all the gameplay variable are client-side, kek but the started shadow-banning for using speed hack

Cheating is literally coping at the fact that youre dogshit at games.