underrated vidya girls

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Bloody Rachel gets no love

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>that SFV announcement
I cried a little.

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I love Reisen!

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1's version is better.

Sure. If you like a man face.

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my wife

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she's cute, too bad she stuck in garbage game

>Evil Within series

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Based posts.
2 was pretty fucking bad.

Why does Adam like being with evil women

Who doesn't love evil women?

gay people, that's who

you know i'm right

It's hot at the moment, but in the long run you will have a bad time

for me, it's asian female frank west

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so hot

>2 was pretty fucking bad
Why exactly? Because it was "open world"? It was miles better than the first one because of the actual boss fights alone.

Elena from Vanquish

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for me, it's the Laura Palmer of Greenvale

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there's not much more based that can be achieved here.

go on. get out of here everyone.

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I really loved the second game. Her telling off the Administrator at the end was 10/10. Considering the current the climate, I hope there's a chance we can get her as the lead in a sequel.... Which is probably never at this point.

I got this game on Steam for $3. It's excellent. Monkey is very likable, and I hate Steve Blum.

Illuminati did nothing wrong.

I love Fuuka!

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Too bad she died, she's the best girl from the Dead rising series

>too bad she died

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>Treat as just a costume for Zelda
>Will never show up again in Zelda games
>Never shows up in Smash girls fan art
>Her character is used to push the trans agenda even though Nintendo states she’s a girl
Being a sheik fan is suffering.

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