Now that the dust has settled... what did we think of it Zig Forumsros?

Now that the dust has settled... what did we think of it Zig Forumsros?

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instead of having a 1080p60fps option on PS4 it runs 1440p42fps
Other than that it's an unfinished mess with meme mechanics, meme progression and awful story. It's a made for american autists who are into shit stealth and meme boss instakill

Contemporary classic.

Probably post-2009 From's best game, tied with Bloodborne

another sign it's a trash game is that it was made by Fromsoftware c-team. The team that usually do mobile and internal shit.
Activision did the same thing, reembember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by Platinum Games?

getting mixed messages here

the best single player game I've ever played.

Unironically From's best game yet because it finally had a coherent, meaningful plot to go with the excellent gameplay. The decision to remove armor and weapon slots also let them make the most refined enemy encounters in any of their games.

unironically this
A regression of the souls formula and a boring action game.
There holds some promise in the boss battles, but everything else serves as filler.
I hope they do something more with Elden Ring.

Nothing to mix. Learn to differentiate shitposting from genuine opinions.
Can't imagine how awful your taste is if you think anything about Sekiro is regression except exploration rewards.

Massively overrated, like every Fromsoft game, but this one is much much worse.

The mechanics are well implemented and thought out, but it’s lacking in content and replayability. I want more bosses god damnit

Nioh 1 is harder and sometimes more frustrating but has a lot more content than Sekiro

Sekiro tries ultrahard formula but with so much gimmick it's not even worth a try. They actually managed to do stealth worse than Left Alive

how is unfinished?

Good game but the boss rush update will literally make it perfect, if there's any game that needed a boss rush it was Sekiro

I see that the game was popular enough for the Zig Forums contrarians to shit all over it.

It's a high quality game, but a one and done for me.

>Other than that it's an unfinished mess with meme mechanics, meme progression and awful story. It's a made for american autists who are into shit stealth and meme boss instakill

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Really liked it desu. The story is kind of undeveloped, with pretty boring endings, especially the "true ending". The gameplay is something else, though. Really hope Elden Ring builds on the system.

should've been a Tenchu game

It's Souls, but without anything that made Souls interesting. It's designed almost exclusively for the faggots that have a massive boner for "hard" gameplay and absolutely nothing else, even if the mechanics themselves are clunky garbage.

Even Dark Souls 2 is better than Sekiro, and Dark Souls 2 sucks.

If you want Soulsborne, just (re)play DaS or BB. If you want a game about samurai/ninja, just play Ghost of Tsushima. Nobody will remember Sekiro in a decade.

>I see that the game was popular enough for the Zig Forums contrarians to shit all over it.
Even normies think it's forgettable so really nobody except contrarians act like it's a masterpiece

Excellent game. When you get the hang of it, you feel like you completely obliterate scenarios even if what you're doing doesn't take that much skill. The final boss is one of the most memorable climaxes to a game I've ever played too. For a ninja game though, stealth was pretty shitty. It was near the same level as dark souls AI.

>stealth is horrible across the board
>exploration is worse than From's other Soulsborne titles
>combat pretends to have more depth than it actually has and is loaded with hitbox issues
>bosses are tedious exercises in trial and error
It's only enjoyable if you like games that are hard just for the sake of being hard, otherwise it's From's worst game in a while.

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I hope you've all made the right choice anons

Attached: SEKIRO SHADOWS DIE TWICE Screenshot 2020.01.11 - (1920x1080, 2.24M)

yeah i did, i left that little shit kuro behind and went with daddy owl

Got it as soon as it came out, finished it within a week and immediately though "Yeah Ghost of Tsushima was better"

Should I purchase this video game my friends? 39 schekels

worth a pirate

It was my goty..

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