Undertale Thread

Buy it

Attached: Undertale.png (200x150, 1.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bought it already.

But user, I already did. I can't wait for Deltarune. It's my most hyped game of 2021/2022

>Buy it
OP is a faggot
you can already get a free reverse-engineered version of Undertale made with Undertale's Source-Code
Toby Jew is a BLM cuck who donates the money he made from Undertale to support BLM
i'm never buying from him

No. That game is shit.

I regret playing one hour for free after pirating it

I don't buy trash.

> Muh BLM
Rent free. Just play the game faggot. Not every gamedev is going to agree with your politics. They're gamedevs, not professional politicians and philosophers. The Baba Is You dev is a massive tranny sympathizer but if you just play the game instead of lurking his Twitter like a faggot then you'd never know that.

No. If i wanted to eat shit, i would play battletoads.

Based. Shills BTFO

>Rent free. Just play the game faggot. Not every gamedev is going to agree with your politics. They're gamedevs, not professional politicians and philosophers. The Baba Is You dev is a massive tranny sympathizer but if you just play the game instead of lurking his Twitter like a faggot then you'd never know that.
Please Dilate Toby it's been 10 years since ur shitty earthbound rom hack touhou shitfest got released and now people are waking up to ur utter bullshit

shut up trannie

Keep seething while I'm making millions

>Never buy from a creator who supports a marxist communist domestic terrorist group who are the main reason western society is slowly degrading

Attached: Based CHAD.jpg (198x255, 4.7K)

Dilate Jew

Rent free for this one. Haha



You never played the game. If you finish Undertale and all its routes, you realize it's a masterpiece. I'm sorry, but you just exposed yourselves

No. A masterpiece is actually good.

>>You never played the game. If you finish Undertale and all its routes, you realize it's a masterpiece. I'm sorry, but you just exposed yourselves

Attached: Sneed.jpg (900x674, 313.53K)


I did, i just want Deltarune to be released.


Or you could just pirate both games so you don't have to support their mentally ill ideologies like I did.

what is this for
this apparently went up recently on gamejolt but there's no information about it
what does it even mean to release a reverse engineered version of it its already drm free

>don't have to support their mentally ill ideologies
What mentally ill ideologies?

Kek undertards BTFO

I saw this pasta in another thread, word for word. The OP is also using the same file and a short message telling us to buy it. OP is severely autistic and is trying to spam undertale open source leaks by samefagging his own thread.


it's just a free version of Undertale some autist made

Dilate you asperger.

Never understood why people liked this game so much. It is so boring. And annoying. And the music is shit outside of 1 song.

I will make a repainted version with memes

How many years do you guys think it will take for Toby to stop making Zig Forums seeth so much?

are you blind?

no you're retarded

Because of Homestuck.
It's like Homestar Runner but for schizos

So.. this is just a contrarian "undertale was never good" thread?

Still a Schizo
show more proof or ur gay

Rent free.

Sweet. I already bought it but I'll think i'll pick it up on Switch. Thanks user

If this Toby, well played

only tumblr retards like this shit
le funny sans is reddit

it's probs Toby
the steam version of Undertale is shilled on the website along with little details that make you think it's Toby shitposting

Man imagine if Toby calls Zig Forums out in the current year, imagine the seeth haha

Rent free.

Still Psycho

yeah it's definitely Toby
he sucked off his cock on the game page

Attached: Tobyyy.png (598x188, 25.23K)

It might come out this year?