RE1 remake is also a masterpiece. Shame RE3 remake was a let down
So pure. So perfect and every way. I crave more of this but know I'll never get another as truly excellent
>shooting at the head
>last deal was 26.99
Shit I should have got it when I had the chance, now I am regretting it
lol, imagine thinking this when RE7 came out a full two years prior.
Just use the shotgun bro.
Jack isn't as dynamic as Mr. X is, Jack is barely in the house while Mr. X can follow you all over RPD. Remake 2 also had way more enemies than RE7, and much more meaningful differences between enemies.
Fitting since RE3 is also the worst of the ps1 games
>Jack isn't as dynamic as Mr. X
I seriously doubt this. You could be right in some arbitrary technical sense like "Mr. X's AI contains more lines of code than Jack's," but apart from a couple of scripted jump scares, Mr. X was laughably easy to predict and juke. I feel like I've played N64 games with more impressive AI. Maybe this has to do with RE2's rooms being more expansive than RE7's, I dunno.
Jack's easy to avoid too, he will literally grab you and spin you around so you stand a chance to block his attacks he throws at you.
I have been playing RE for 22 years? You are talking absolute dogshit. Sounds like you are the zoomer here.