I don't care.
Friendly reminder that if you play a shooters with a controller you are not actually playing them...
I don't care. There is no pride to take in how you play videogames, they're instant gratification for children.
Yeah, but why would I put myself at a disadvantage in Halo when the developers give the controller "aimbot"?
If the game was designed with a gamepad in mind, like Halo was, then I play it with a gamepad.
If it was designed with KBM in mind, I play with KBM.
Simple as.
OPs mad that he's not good enough to aim with a controller
Gyro would fix all of this but consoletards are afraid of change.
What exactly is the difference between bullet magnetism and just having bigger hitboxes? At least bullet magnetism can decrease the further away you are from your target. Better that than also being able to shoot someone around a corner because their hitbox is stretched too far.
Shut up retard I’ll play how I want
>If the game was designed with a gamepad in mind, like Halo was, then I play it with a gamepad.
>If it was designed with KBM in mind, I play with KBM.
>Simple as.