When you're a PC gamer but you only play high quality video games

>when you're a PC gamer but you only play high quality video games

Attached: steam most played.png (731x901, 354.93K)

>all that weebshit
Why even game on a PC? Japs make shitty ports.

I haven't been been screeched at for my tastes in along time so i'll drop mine

Attached: bideotime.png (765x943, 315K)

cause they're still better than the console versions and have better longevity

I need Lightning to look her best dammit!
What would you say is the best Tomb Raider game? Never actually played any other than Angel of Darkness when I was a kid

Attached: 345350_20200724220923_1.png (1920x1080, 3.77M)

>all that AAA garbage
You're only missing Witcher 3 and GTAV and you're golden

How do I hide hours played or better yet not have the said games appear on my list no matter how much I play them? I'm ashamed of my Dota 2 and CSGO playing time and they're only going to increase.

Attached: unnamed.png (512x469, 181.96K)

>pic unrelated

___________You can't

Wait... is 20 hours your highest played time?

Embrace your neetness.