>when you're a PC gamer but you only play high quality video games
When you're a PC gamer but you only play high quality video games
>all that weebshit
Why even game on a PC? Japs make shitty ports.
I haven't been been screeched at for my tastes in along time so i'll drop mine
cause they're still better than the console versions and have better longevity
I need Lightning to look her best dammit!
What would you say is the best Tomb Raider game? Never actually played any other than Angel of Darkness when I was a kid
>all that AAA garbage
You're only missing Witcher 3 and GTAV and you're golden
How do I hide hours played or better yet not have the said games appear on my list no matter how much I play them? I'm ashamed of my Dota 2 and CSGO playing time and they're only going to increase.
>pic unrelated
___________You can't
Wait... is 20 hours your highest played time?
Embrace your neetness.
I'm in the middle of playing Anniversary and so far it's my favorite, but I enjoyed the hell out of Rise. Tomb Raider 2013 is like 2 bucks on Steam right now and it's a great way to get into the games
I have Witcher 3 in my Library, I just haven't gotten around to playing it yet
I didn't ask for a fucking essay
>high quality video games
>final fantasy XIII
start over on a family share account, bury your old identity, bury it deep.
>most played game is 20 hours
Jesus fuck I’m a loser. 20 hours is nothing, literally nothing to me.
That guy is probably 15, that's essentially my list when I was that age aside from gay raider
XIII is a fantastic game tho
The XIIIs shouldn't be there, and TF2 should have 25~50x more hours than that, but otherwise an alright list.
I liked XIII more than XV, the stagger system was fun and it actually told a complete story
I get a good laugh out of my skyrim playtime, 90% of it is mod testing
>20 hours
Exactly the reason I loved Tomb Raider. Short and focused. Nice to see that the sequels follow suit.
You can hide games from your library. Just right click>Manage>Hide this game. But it won't hide the game time from your profile. But you can set your profile to private.
I like lara too!
Good fucking god who am I posting with? If you don't have 500+ hours in MULTIPLE games, including atleast one autism simulator, what the fuck do you see in this site?
edit profile>privacy settings
under game details you can click hide total playtime
This is everything I have above the "idled for trading cards" line
>All those CS:GO hours
Friends: Not even once
been doing stuff on the switch and vita more lately
I'm a quarantine tourist. Trust me, I'm not a Redditard
holy shit those games suck ass
I would like to be judged by Zig Forums as well.