Imagine an expansion where previous 60 levels...

Imagine an expansion where previous 60 levels, raids and dungeons are made completely useless over the newly added expansion content that only covers 10 levels to 70.

Attached: tbc.jpg (1280x1796, 255.86K)

b-b-but you can use nax gear in karazhan
yeah WoW's expansion model is shit and the fact that the industry by and large adopted it is turboshit.

If you didn't make the next raid tier have better gear, then people would still be doing fucking Molten Core every week in every expansion.

To be honest, that's not true. Original wow w/o expansions was an incomplete game to begin with. There are so many things missing and is up for improvements. Like the faction wars that people actually would be happy to see. The entire PvP honor system and how dishonorable kills work can be changed. If the devs were looking for something to do, increasing level cap to 70 and completely ruining the main component of the game is very stupid to say the least.

Yeah but it's still better what we have today. At least in TBC new guilds had to start from the bottom instead of doing the latest raid but with easier difficulty.

Didnt people use thunderfury all the time until they nerfed it into the ground well after this was released? Also the tier 3 shit from naxx was good until end game raid iirc, but its been years

you could use vanilla gear in TBC effectively, like the priest ZG trinket that gives you fast Greater Heals
all the attention on the expansion world leaving the old world behind sucked though.

Yup. Wow classic/vanilla is the best one. Had such soul and great positive and encouraging community. Until raid times and expansion. Such a mistake that whole thing was. Sadly they made billions and now the world will never see a good mmo again.
Endgame=raids is the worst, you’re a pleb if you fell for it.

Yes, but at the time these weren’t common things people had acquired. Plus remember that everyone re-rolled bloodelf, so no one really cared about vanilla stuff anymore. It was easier to grind out the levels and get new shit

So just make it so you can level indefinitely, but raiding starts at 60 and you get more experience in raids