Imagine an expansion where previous 60 levels...

Imagine an expansion where previous 60 levels, raids and dungeons are made completely useless over the newly added expansion content that only covers 10 levels to 70.

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b-b-but you can use nax gear in karazhan
yeah WoW's expansion model is shit and the fact that the industry by and large adopted it is turboshit.

If you didn't make the next raid tier have better gear, then people would still be doing fucking Molten Core every week in every expansion.

To be honest, that's not true. Original wow w/o expansions was an incomplete game to begin with. There are so many things missing and is up for improvements. Like the faction wars that people actually would be happy to see. The entire PvP honor system and how dishonorable kills work can be changed. If the devs were looking for something to do, increasing level cap to 70 and completely ruining the main component of the game is very stupid to say the least.

Yeah but it's still better what we have today. At least in TBC new guilds had to start from the bottom instead of doing the latest raid but with easier difficulty.

Didnt people use thunderfury all the time until they nerfed it into the ground well after this was released? Also the tier 3 shit from naxx was good until end game raid iirc, but its been years

you could use vanilla gear in TBC effectively, like the priest ZG trinket that gives you fast Greater Heals
all the attention on the expansion world leaving the old world behind sucked though.

Yup. Wow classic/vanilla is the best one. Had such soul and great positive and encouraging community. Until raid times and expansion. Such a mistake that whole thing was. Sadly they made billions and now the world will never see a good mmo again.
Endgame=raids is the worst, you’re a pleb if you fell for it.

Yes, but at the time these weren’t common things people had acquired. Plus remember that everyone re-rolled bloodelf, so no one really cared about vanilla stuff anymore. It was easier to grind out the levels and get new shit

So just make it so you can level indefinitely, but raiding starts at 60 and you get more experience in raids

TBC was a mess. Alliance should've got High Elves and Horde should've gotten Ogres. Allied Races like Maghar should've been a thing starting here. Illidan, Vashj and Kaelthas shouldnt have been killable raid bosses. Kil'Jaeden was a joke.

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So Cataclysm forward?
>Styleen's Impeding Scarab
>Drakefang Talisman
>Rejuvenation Gem
>Mind Quickening Gem
All viable at the minimum and best-in-slot in some cases. People were asshurt that the first dagger you got in Hellfire was a carbon copy of the corehound tooth.

>tfw used neltharion's tear all the way to sunwell because lost the bid on skull of gul'dan

imagine an explasion that changes the factions completely by making it so you can be both factions to play paly and shaman,giving the horde elfs that have been with the humans since wc2 instead of giving them orcs which wouldve made sense and then give the alliance autistic russian space goats

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It turned WoW into a raiding game.
What's the point of making an open world when the only relevant gameplay is instance shit?

they fixxed the wow expansion model so noobs arnt fucked and can enjoy the expansions with out getting babied or boosted to hundred

40% of level 60s entered MC and only 5% in Naxx. Nobody raided and raiding was the last priority of Blizzard until the poopsockers took over the dev team.
Blame fags like Kaplan for killing MMOs.

They should have never instituted flying.

WoW was never great

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Burning Crusade REDUX:
>Level cap stays at 60
>Players get new abilities and talent points by completing Outlands quest chains in each zone that culminate in completing the zone's respective dungeon(s).
>Alliance get Blood Elves or High Elves, Horde get Ogres
>Keep attunements through the expansion
>Paladins and Shamans stay exclusive to their respective factions
>Draenei retcon still happens, but they serve as a neutral faction instead
>No flying mounts
>Opening of the Dark Portal event is much more significant; on the scale of the AQ gate event
>Shattrath still exists, but its importance as a hub city is diminished, with Silvermoon City and the Ogres' city housing important vendors instead
>Azeroth herbs and mining nodes still needed for crafting at endgame
>Tier 5 is designed to require at least AQ40 levels of gear to complete, with Naxx gear making it a little easier
>5-man Heroics drop gear that is on par with AQ40 gear
>Karazhan drops gear that is slightly worse than- or on par with Naxx gear
>Replace vanilla ranking system with arenas still, but remove resilience

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>>Tier 5 is designed to require at least AQ40 levels of gear to complete, with Naxx gear making it a little easier
fuck I meant tier 4

awful, I raid naxx and now have no reason to do your shitty bc redux if my gear is the best

You always leveling up until you hit the cap and all previous content always became irrelevant, why you don't cry that your very first dungeons with all that blue low level gear value nothing when you gain like 10 new levels?
I'm exaggerating and of course BC bringed more drastic changes to the world, the whole Azeroth almost became irrelevant because all big guys hung out in Outland, but there is nothing wrong with release of new dungeons and raids.

>Yes, but at the time these weren’t common things people had acquired.
So what? None of the raid gear was very common compared to dungeon geared casuals in vanilla
>everyone rerolled blood elf

>Paladins and Shamans stay exclusive to their respective factions
That's what I'd like to see. How did they fuck that up?

The corehound tooth thing was real, but people seem to forget all the MC gear, even after rebalancing the stats, was pretty shit and alot of it wasnt even an upgrade on blues/epics that could be found elsewhere pre-raid

Bloodlust is an iconic shaman ability and so busted powerful they withheld it until alliance could get it too.

What is that image trying to convey

The retardation of the poster

>Still mad after 15 years that Horde got Blood Elves and Alliance still don't have them

He's right. Adding elves to horde was a retarded mistake.

Okay "he" I still see people posting screenshots of retail forums how alliance are mad about not having blond elves

>ogres and shamans for the horde and palys and blood/high elves for the alliance fuck space goats
yes also they still recon this mistake and make EF players seethe and simply make it so the orges get space goat city

Definitely true. The devs were learning as they went with the itemization and even their scaling. You could also tell they didn't know how to run all the numbers when you're using a BWL and gruul trinket even they tried to make other damage options.