>he doesn't cheat at a children's video game
never gonna make it
He doesn't cheat at a children's video game
>he cheats but still loses to children
I can't think of anything more worthy of suicide
>Team games happen less frequently
>Cheaters more likely to make it to the end
Its like the devs wanted the game to flood with hackers.
Reminds me of that video with a very obvious cheater that is so fucking bad at the game that he still manages to lose
keep seething crownlet
>Zig Forums autists constantly bitching about team games happening too often
>Happen less often but hackers are more frequent / obvious
You niggers will NEVER be happy, no matter what developers do.
team games werent necessary while hackers were low, now we need them more than ever.
I'll never understand the point of cheating if you're not competing for money
dick waving
less work but can easily archiving victory
t. asian
i blame mmo for this