He doesn't cheat at a children's video game

>he doesn't cheat at a children's video game
never gonna make it

Attached: fallgays.jpg (1920x1080, 292.36K)

>he cheats but still loses to children
I can't think of anything more worthy of suicide

>Team games happen less frequently
>Cheaters more likely to make it to the end
Its like the devs wanted the game to flood with hackers.

Reminds me of that video with a very obvious cheater that is so fucking bad at the game that he still manages to lose

keep seething crownlet

>Zig Forums autists constantly bitching about team games happening too often
>Happen less often but hackers are more frequent / obvious
You niggers will NEVER be happy, no matter what developers do.

Attached: (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST).webm (540x360, 1.59M)

team games werent necessary while hackers were low, now we need them more than ever.


I'll never understand the point of cheating if you're not competing for money

dick waving
less work but can easily archiving victory
t. asian
i blame mmo for this

Actually this

It's unfortunate losing just normally, but losing with cheats is fucking laughable.

Attached: 1457697761966.jpg (184x184, 7.92K)

>less work
it's a fucking video game man

Attached: 1598187457280.png (300x300, 72.37K)

>dick waving
You know that everyone despise cheaters, right? Everyone thinks you are pussy.
>less work
What? Why would you even play video games if you consider it "work".

>have to win in a broken game to obtain currency for legendary skins
how is it not work

>cheat in a children's game
>still lose in a team game

Cheating in games is usually terrible. But cheating in games chock full of shitty paid DLC is based. Keep it up, OP.

>still lose
haha the absolute state of you

Attached: your average crownlet.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

>being a sociopath

Attached: 1580608356175.jpg (499x502, 66.79K)

Zig Forums captcha should be getting a crown to post

>he care about skins
it's not work then, it's just your fucking autism

Cheating in anything is scummy, but my god if you cheat in this casual ass, purely for fun game, you should be lined up and shot. Polluting the gene pool when you cheat irl by raping someone.

>playing a children's video game
not gonna make it

>purely for fun
>broken ass game with terrible netcode and servers which has gamemodes that rely on physics that go out of sync all the time
>forces you to win to purchase items
>purely for fun
there's like 15 cheaters in my game, but they're not the obvious ones that flyhack, they just disable collisions and knockdowns. once you start paying attention it gets really obvious


People don't know you cheat, its why people get boosts in games to get higher ranks. It lets you say that you have "x" crowns, granted you have to then keep the charade up or else the people you play with suspect something

I don't get why people chest on Fall Guys. Cheating is usually only fun when you can hear the victims bitch and moan. You cant be even harass the people in this.

seethe :)

Thats why I now only play casually in multiplayer games. There always will be some sub human cheater that will ruin fun for everyone else.

>I can't think of anything more worthy of suicide
Playing children game to win?

If it's purely for fun game why do you care who wins? What if there is cheater this will get qualified right away and in the end will win, how it reduces fun in your "for fun" game?

hacking while playing children games to win

they should've just let us keep the crown exploit then none of this would've been an issue