Is this design approved by Zig Forums?
Is this design approved by Zig Forums?
Dylan Ward
Joshua Green
Colton Ortiz
i fink she kute
Grayson James
Not terrible. Doesn't look like a dude which is surprising. The costume coloring is a bit too colorful maybe. Doesn't really say Bat/goth.
Kevin James
Too bad the game looks bad.
Christopher Reed
>damage numbers
>enemy levels
Is there any bigger red flag for a guaranteed shit game?
Jason Price
No, her Burnside costume is kino tho.
It's a mix of strong and slutty and nerdy.
Adrian Robinson
>No tit chest plate
Carson Cox
Can't really place exactly why, but I've always wanted to fuck Batgirl REALLY hard.
Charles Butler
>that mask
is this supposed to protect her identity? You're telling me if I saw her ass on the news, and the next day saw Barb on the street I would go "ay bruh who that is?"