her design is good
the game design tho
Is this design approved by Zig Forums?
The fact the enemies scale with you is the worst part. What's the fucking point of leveling up???
I don't like it but there are tons of costumes in this type of games. Arkham Knight costume is superior for my edgelord taste.
All this shit is just a cheap way to manipulate the player into feeling progression and accomplishment. Like oh shit this one piece of loot is really RARE but does nothing of value, but it's RARE please get excited and buy more game.
This time sidekicks are actually leveling up as a Batman replacement so i think this system is not that bad.
It's pretty 90s
They are going for the PG13 Fortnite/Batman audience i see. I personally like the TAS costumes best.
>Zig Forums hates this
>Zig Forums hates suicide squad
>Zig Forums hates avengers
this board has fallen so low
nice nipples ma'am
>those child-bearing hips