Is this design approved by Zig Forums?
Is this design approved by Zig Forums?
i fink she kute
Not terrible. Doesn't look like a dude which is surprising. The costume coloring is a bit too colorful maybe. Doesn't really say Bat/goth.
Too bad the game looks bad.
>damage numbers
>enemy levels
Is there any bigger red flag for a guaranteed shit game?
No, her Burnside costume is kino tho.
It's a mix of strong and slutty and nerdy.
>No tit chest plate
Can't really place exactly why, but I've always wanted to fuck Batgirl REALLY hard.
>that mask
is this supposed to protect her identity? You're telling me if I saw her ass on the news, and the next day saw Barb on the street I would go "ay bruh who that is?"
her design is good
the game design tho
The fact the enemies scale with you is the worst part. What's the fucking point of leveling up???
I don't like it but there are tons of costumes in this type of games. Arkham Knight costume is superior for my edgelord taste.
All this shit is just a cheap way to manipulate the player into feeling progression and accomplishment. Like oh shit this one piece of loot is really RARE but does nothing of value, but it's RARE please get excited and buy more game.
This time sidekicks are actually leveling up as a Batman replacement so i think this system is not that bad.
It's pretty 90s
They are going for the PG13 Fortnite/Batman audience i see. I personally like the TAS costumes best.
>Zig Forums hates this
>Zig Forums hates suicide squad
>Zig Forums hates avengers
this board has fallen so low
nice nipples ma'am
>those child-bearing hips
This game looks like jank and any game that has damage sponge enemies is pure trash. The Suicide Squad game only had a really shitty CG trailer, no gameplay but is likely to be awful as what they described sounded an awful lot like a hero shooter (aka Overwatch). The Avengers game is just a technical disaster on top of just being Marvel Destiny.
So no, we have not fallen anywhere, the quality of games has plummeted to rock bottom. You should tie yourself to an anchor and join them.
He knew how to draw her.
you arrived right under us if you think those are any good
spoken like a true Zig Forums npc
It's approved by muh fuggin dick, unfortunately the game looks terrible
I don't know what the fuck this is but she looks cute while her costume looks silly.
Her outfit makes her look like she came out of a LEGO movie and her face is boyish .
Outside of that, pretty based, nice body shape and long hair. The gloves need to go tho.
It's enough to throw someone off. You wouldn't dwell on it if you encountered her later unless her hair caught your eye.
You need to go back
Timm is excellent. Sadly we will never again get a batman game is his style.
They will improve the models, right bros? It's pre-alpha, right?
>batman is trans now
are people really into that? when i see a trans i just pass
Looks like batman imposters
Babs is OK, but there's something about her gloves and chestplate that makes her whole outfit looks like it's from Gotham City Imposters.
given the gameplay footage it seems to be late alpha-early beta stage. thats the design your getting (unless you by the DLC goy)
it looks a bit over sized and cartoony
Batgirl has fat tits
>but there's something about her gloves and chestplate that makes her whole outfit looks like it's from Gotham City Imposters
I knew there was something off about her outfit, but couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly, and it's this.