CPU temp = 105°C

>CPU temp = 105°C

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Use more thermal paste

Wouldn't most of them throttle down or force shutoff before that point? Or fucking melt?

>room temperature 110F

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Why can't cpus survive 100 degree temperatures?
It's 100+ in some parts of the country and people survive that just fine

Quit playing PUBG

lmao just like use a better CPU cooler. Like make sure your case is getting airflow lol.

cuz they smol

>people will fall for this bait

humans can sweat

>bro I only overclocked it with 1.5v bro whats the problem bro shit cpu bro

Good question really. Is it the silicon that starts to literally burn at temperatures of over 100C? It must be a fundamental limitation of the semiconductor or otherwise we would’ve seen high end CPUs just push past 100C if they could take it.

There are parts of the US and certainly several equator countries where 70+C ambient temperatures are not uncommon.

True, that's where we're at

Attached: temp.png (512x77, 15.58K)

Why there're so many?

>CPU idles at 564ºR

Attached: 1598198497610.png (358x358, 77.48K)

>GPU temp is 75ºc during gaming
bros.. is this good or bad...

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If it’s below 90 then it’s good.

Isn't anything above 80ºc quite dangerous though?

>celcius: the old, old, OLD roman senator who bitches about everything
>fahrenheit: the british twat addicted to steampunk
>kelvin: fat weirdo in the apartment down the hall who wears programming socks and makes 8 figures a year

Use Fahrenheit like the rest of the civilized world.

Hey is this the master race thread?

Is it bad to keep your gpu at 100% memory usage for long periods.
I've been fucking around with the settings in FFXV and I've noticed setting TRAM to "highest" takes my memory usage to 98-100% (up from ~84%)
Yet it also lowers my overall gpu usage according to task manager, from 99-100% down to 87-95%.
It seems weird

It’s not ideal but it’s not gonna damage anything. Mid 70s is completely fine.

That's what he already did, dingus.

75 is great, msi afterburner sets a limit at 83c by default (for me) and I've never seen it actually hit that. Did get to 81 once.

if I I wanna build a PC where do I start Zig Forumsros

>CPU temp never goes above 60°C even under load

Attached: snow miser.gif (480x352, 2.93M)

Bad your cpu should be high 30s to low 40s fluctuating when idle or gaming especially with non overclocking settings.

What type of cooler do you have?

There's a pc building general on /g/.

That’s essentially all aircooled GPUs.

Donæt listen to this idiot, first of all nobody was talking about cpu's, but most importantly the "safe" temperatures for a cpu can vary wildly depending on which cpu it is, so check the reccomended temps for you specific cpu and not a general "advice" like this

>gets mugged by roaming packs of niggers
>gets shot
God bless.

getting 60C at 100% usage on an 8 year old cpu, get an aftermarket cooler you shitter

I can't set a limit with my MSI afterburner
Every time I do it just resets. To this day I can't find a solution.

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Uhh, did you try finding where it saves a config file and see if its set to read only for some reason?

>tfw I reinstalled windows
>forget to install my AIO drivers
>weeks later wonder why my system is running like shit
>look at clocks
>CPU is running half as fast as it is supposed to
>realize my system has been thermal throttling for the past month and my AIO has been off the entire time

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That's Fahrenheit.. .right? Tell me it isn't nearly 200 degrees where you live.

Oh also pretty sure the temp limit is tied to the voltage limit. Might be wrong about that, I just use it to check temps sometimes.

Is liquid cooling a meme?

Mine never exceeds 45°C under load

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>Falling for the AIO meme

The only reason to get an AIO is for the aesthetic, a good air coolers will beat it any day and cheaper. Either air cool or go full custom water cooling

Look into chipset tables of AMD and Intel CPUs. Look into chipset tables of AMD and Nvidia GPUs. Look into what difference AMD and Intel motherboards have. Look into what difference different AMD and Intel motherboards have compared to their peers. Look into RAM speeds and timings. Look into SSDs including SATA, NVME and stuff like 3 and 4 bit MLC. Look into PSU ratings and power draw. Look into cases and things like airflow and CPU cooler and GPU clearance.
There, you can now make an educated PC build. Or you can just look up a build on logical increments if knowing your PC means nothing to you.

>GPU 500*C

Attached: 1271899641404.jpg (1162x778, 284.42K)

I know that now, they were a lot cooler 5 years ago when I bought it.



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>Humidity: 71%

Attached: 1593497071913.jpg (567x340, 17.87K)

>Havent cleaned pc in 1 year and 4 months
>Cpu temps dont go above 73, even in demanding games with stock cooler
Is water cooling and pc cleaning a meme?

Since this is the Zig Forums PC thread, I'll ask.
How noticable is the difference between an ssd and an M.2?
Theres a sale right now and I haven't bothered ever using anything other than HDDs and SSDs
Might cop one so I'll have more SSD space for vidya

>5 year old AIO
The glycol inside is already permeating so no wonder it’s running like shit.

Knew it and you’re fucked just like me.

Never once has happened to me in all my years as an American

Temperature system based on water, zero being freezing, 100 being boiling
Temperature system based on the exact amount a human can detect a shift in temperature

Fahrenheit is objectively superior. We are not water, we are people. The information from Fahrenheit is more useful to us because we are humans. Sure, having temp built around freezing and boiling temp would be somewhat convenient, but more often than that you are using temperature relative to your body.

If you are in your house, and feel like it got slightly warmer, it went up a degree in Fahrenheit. With Celsius, it won’t tell you shit.

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cpus are made of humans

Apparently you have to use Adrenaline but the latest updates removed the temp limit option.

It's fine now, you just get shit thermals when the pump and fans are off.

Few seconds at best.

>what are decimals
American education

>hasn’t had a vaccine in his life
Yeah that fits.

The performance will start shitting the bed very soon as the liquid inside has a 5-6 year lifespan.

>AIO is dogshit and my temps spike to 90C sometimes
im thinking of replacing it with a Noctua air cooler but if im going through that effort im gonna switch the case to a Coolermaster at the same time
