Reminder that competitive FPS is the only reason to get a modern PC otherwise you are wasting your money on what could...

Better performance and mods are why PC gaming is superior but yeah.
If neither of those are an issue to you, you're better off sticking to copesoles.

Small PCs were a thing for a while now.

You say that as if it contradicts what he said.

You can get a laptop that outperform a console pretty easily.

>Most single player games run at 60 fps with little exception
I literally do not remember the last time I played a AAA pc game that was locked at 60. Actually it may have been Skyrim fucking 9 years ago.

Why do some many people even care what other people game on

The fact that there are people who think there is even an argument to be had on this subject is laughable. Imagine thinking you know shit about vidya games when you play all your shit on a toy that is designed to deliver gaming to average joes.

It's like driving a Prius and thinking you're even in the same category as somebody who built and fine tuned a race car from the ground up. You do not and will never know shit about vidya if your primary method of playing is on a console. It's fine if you're just a some guy who plays games sometimes and doesn't really care about the medium beyond the surface level, but if you consider it your primary hobby you're likely broke white trash with a room temp IQ.

Reminder that this is true for all consoles.
Switch just runs rare stuff that would run at 60 on PS4 at 30.
All the big system sellers on the PS4 run at 30 fps or less on the base model.

Attached: Wrestle.jpg (1443x1080, 160.69K)

And the pro often only gives you stable 30 fps.
Or unlocked FPS that targets 60 but is never stable 60.

>Adobe Photoshop
>writing code
>build own Websites
>Video Encoding
>competitive FPS is the only reason to get a modern PC

Yeah,sure, kid.