Industry believes that only movie games sell

>industry believes that only movie games sell
>industry believes that making a new IP is hard
>has proven them all wrong by making 5 successful IPs in just 11 years that focus on gameplay not cinematics

How did he do it?

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by abandoning us when we needed him the most

>industry believes that only movie games sell
bloodborne sold rookie numbers next to god of war and other movie games

They did expect it to sell gangbusters, which is kind of sad. It ended up selling about as much as Demon's Souls did. So both games were still profitable, with Bloodborne maybe hitting near breaking even. But Dark Souls 1-3 and Sekiro were big sellers.

I mean technically they're new IPs, but Dark Souls was a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls because they didn't own the IP and Bloodborne was so similar to the formula that people began calling those kinds of FromSoft games "Soulsborne". The you have Sekiro which is only a few steps removed from that.

bloodborne and the souls games had more impact on the industry than all movie games combined

BB didn't have a bloated marketing budget so it didn't need to sell that high to make profit.

By lucking out with the games being memed up as le epic hard games for harcore gamers while being really simple in concept (slow weapons swings you can dodge or block).

This means any Playstation-owning retard or a streamer watcher can immediately understand what's going on, how the difficulty works and how to win.

I say all this as someone who loves Souls games, btw. It's not even a criticism, really. But it's a good idea to be realistic about what they are and how they success got memed up.

>5 successful IPs
>it's one fucking game in 5 different flavors

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They might not be at the same level as those 50 hour movie "games" but the more recent FROM games have been all about making a good-looking spectacle
Truth be told I fucking hate the games' playerbase for over-fixating on boss fights to the point where people think it's all there is to them