>industry believes that only movie games sell
>industry believes that making a new IP is hard
>has proven them all wrong by making 5 successful IPs in just 11 years that focus on gameplay not cinematics
How did he do it?
>industry believes that only movie games sell
>industry believes that making a new IP is hard
>has proven them all wrong by making 5 successful IPs in just 11 years that focus on gameplay not cinematics
How did he do it?
by abandoning us when we needed him the most
>industry believes that only movie games sell
bloodborne sold rookie numbers next to god of war and other movie games
They did expect it to sell gangbusters, which is kind of sad. It ended up selling about as much as Demon's Souls did. So both games were still profitable, with Bloodborne maybe hitting near breaking even. But Dark Souls 1-3 and Sekiro were big sellers.
I mean technically they're new IPs, but Dark Souls was a spiritual successor to Demon's Souls because they didn't own the IP and Bloodborne was so similar to the formula that people began calling those kinds of FromSoft games "Soulsborne". The you have Sekiro which is only a few steps removed from that.
bloodborne and the souls games had more impact on the industry than all movie games combined
BB didn't have a bloated marketing budget so it didn't need to sell that high to make profit.
By lucking out with the games being memed up as le epic hard games for harcore gamers while being really simple in concept (slow weapons swings you can dodge or block).
This means any Playstation-owning retard or a streamer watcher can immediately understand what's going on, how the difficulty works and how to win.
I say all this as someone who loves Souls games, btw. It's not even a criticism, really. But it's a good idea to be realistic about what they are and how they success got memed up.
>5 successful IPs
>it's one fucking game in 5 different flavors
They might not be at the same level as those 50 hour movie "games" but the more recent FROM games have been all about making a good-looking spectacle
Truth be told I fucking hate the games' playerbase for over-fixating on boss fights to the point where people think it's all there is to them
Retard. Bloodborne sold 1 million in its first month as an early PS4 title. It was a huge success.
Playing games without story is waste of time
All forms of entertainment are a waste of time.
I'll believe it when Elden Ring ever comes out.
I love the Soulsborne games because they're a mix of things I love:
>Melee action, being focused on said action.
>RPG elements and high degrees of build customization
>Constant fighting and killing
>Surviving through a hostile level by killing shit to death
In a way they're the games I've dreaming for since I was a kid.
I've enjoyed the Souls clones made by other companies almost as much as the real thing because they get the above aspects right and I still have to get tired of them.
This isn't indicative of sales, and the website states it. Bloodborne was on PS+ at least once. If it sold that mahy units, Sony would have said so.
Players =/= sales.
Everyone in corporate management is a fucking idiot.
>I don't like playing video games.
I know it's bait, but I am still fantasizing about the tortures I would administer.
he just made the same fucking name with different names
soulsfags deserve the rope
came to post this
>In a way they're the games I've dreaming for since I was a kid.
the first time i played a souls game and it dawned on me that you can just keep whatever weapon you want and upgrade it to be viable blew me away. it's such a simple concept that isn't utilised enough. i hated the upgrade system in other games like final fantasy where it's a drop and move on system
And your statement isn't indicative of sales either. When bloodborne first came out journos were going crazy over how well it was selling for an early days ps4 title that was a FROMSOFT game at that.
You may not like to hear this, but Bloodborne had shit legs. The game hit 2 million mark in September of 2015, but it also came out in march of the same year. It took the game around half a year to reach 2 million units shipped globally. What’s even dumber is that selling 1 million units in one month, and 2 million in 6 months, for a Fromsoft title as marketed as Bloodborne as a launch title for PS4, is not very impressive. What’s even dumber is that you act as if that’s amazing, as if Fromsoft just wasn’t popular enough to even make that milestone to begin with, which is extra retarded.
1) Players are not sales, the owner of that website states this in plain and simple words.
>The official sales numbers are much lower than the estimated player counts.
>There are many ways to play the game without buying it from the store: rented games, used games, PS Now, PS Plus, EA Access, family accounts, guest accounts, extra accounts, etc.
2) Sony went out of their way to talk about about Bloodborne selling 500k every time it his that incremented milestone, yet apparently you think they wouldn’t gloat if the game sold 4, 6, or even 8 million units.
Again, players are not sales. You are delusional if you think Bloodborne sold even half that amount, especially when the game was on PS+ multiple times. You posting that image just makes you look dumb when not even the person who made the website agrees with you. If The game sold that much, prove it. I'll wait.
Yeah, the game is a bit of a flop. Dunno what happened. Maybe it wasn't marketed enough? I only hear it talked about on Zig Forums but nowhere else.
Hollow knight is pretty successful (for an indie game) after dark souls so yeah OP is kind of right. But I don't think there are anyone is really claiming that story game is more profitable than gameplay heavy games.
DaS, DeS, BB and Sekiro are kind of similar though so count them as 3 IPs is a bit reaching.
Also fall guy has no story and it's still successful.
I wouldn't say it was a flop, but it definitelly wasn't a system selling gangbuster like FIFA or God of War, obviously.
Wrong idiot. It sold over 6 million before it got to ps plus. And it just keeps on selling. For an early ps4 release, when not everyone had adopted the console yet, and soulsgames were still somewhat niche , it did incredibly well.
>It sold over 6 million before it got to ps plus.
Okay, fine. Proof? Surely you can back up the claim of yours.
It had low sales mostly because there were 0 fucking games for the PS4 and almost no one had one. There still aren't many. I don't know if you remember but a common joke on Zig Forums was that the PS4 was a Bloodborne Machine or Bloodborne Paperweight. A few people that ended up buying Bloodborne probably had to buy a PS4 altogether.
>It had low sales mostly because there were 0 fucking games for the PS4 and almost no one had one.
This is some grand historical revisionism to me. PS4 sold well from the beginning, it having no games seems like it would be more of an incentive to buy the few good games that it actually ended up having,.
sekiro is very distinct from demon's/dark souls and bloodborne
and we don't know shit about elden ring yet
so it's 3 same-ish IPs
>filtered "bloodborn"
Lmao these threads are so much more tolerable when shit opinions are omitted
Literally the savior of gaming.
>thinking BB's budget was even close to GoW's