VtMB 2

Please explain why seemingly everyone has determined this game will be shit

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theyre changing staff like ur mum changes partners. it's never coming out

Never played tabletop but here's what I know
>White Wolf (creators of the Old World of Darkness in which Vampires The Masquerade takes place in) themselves went SJW after being acquired by Paradox
>the game initially claimed to be from the creators of the original VTMB, but nobody from Troika was working on it since 1-2 were working on Outer Worlds and the other was doing whatever
>you can skip missions that are "too offensive"
Personally if it's touched by Paradox it's somewhat bound for failure, they're a dumb swedish company driven by money

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Paradox Interactive. If you need any more info you're legitimately retarded and don't know shit about anything.

they fired 2 design leads who had been there since the first game

I was looking forward to this but that does not bode well.

Everything that has been released that shows gameplay has been worse than mediocre. Delays. Statements made by people that work there, for example saying that they will do things differently in 2 compared to 1 and "punch down" instead of up. The writer who pitched the game and worked on the first one got fired and also the creative director got fired. Preorder bonuses and dlc.

The only good thing about the game was the announcement, everything other than that has only made the the game look worrying.

The beacon is lit. The savior will soon arrive

The game play trailer.

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That post about toning down the Malkavians was all I needed to know not to bother with this.

Because anyone who played Blacklight Retribution way back before the infamous parity patch and followed the history of Hardsuit Labs knows that they are incapable of producing anything worthwhile anymore. Back when they were still known as Zombie Studios they used to have some talented developers at least which have all left when they reformed into Hardsuit Labs.

Ahem. Let me put this one to bed once and for all. Without talking AT ALL about politics, I shall explain why this game will be shit.

>Less clans than Bloodlines 1, which was a rushed game on an unfinished engine
>Starting out as a thin-blood and eating your way to a full clan sounds like it gives more options, but restricts you further
>What little gameplay we've seen is barely functional, with animation desyncs happening and worse hitreg than the first game
>Limited use weapons only
>Graphics have consistently declined in quality since the reveal
>None of the aesthetic behind the art direction translates in-game, virtually no gothic vibes.
>Made by a nobody studio who's best work is running Blacklight Retribution's legacy into the ground
>Just fired their head writer and one of only two guys involved in the first game working on this one
>Multiple delays, the second after quality somehow got worse in-between delays
>While we know little about the story, the trailer was laughably tone-deaf and bodes ill for the writing in this game
>Tries to market off different clans as factions themselves
>Deliberately riding off the coattails of bloodlines despite the only tie in with bloodlines we've seen so far is fucking Damsel

It's going to make TORtanic look like a fucking joke.

I don't think it'll be shit but I don't expect it to be great either. I don't care about anything that's come out so far regarding the game because I think the spine of this game that will make or break it is the writing/characters/flavour of the game. Unfortunately, I have very low expectations as far as writing goes from the woke generation.

for me the worst offender is pic related, but also:

>first person only
>V5 lore is fuckin trash and I'm not even Zig Forums le epic rudi meme xD
>you play as a fuckin thinblood and then BECOME a full clan vampire? wtf shit is this

and now the whole mitsoda fiasco

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>uses cucked to hell ruleset instead of oWOD
>literally who devs with shovelware trackrecord, not even a single RPG
>the most greedy publisher in terms of DLC policy
>fired the only decent writer mid development
>still nothing to show for the massive delays after the absolute shitshow gameplay vids

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oh, and also this shit. major redflags

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>when reality goes further than the parody

I like vampires because of sexy goth nymphos, edgy bloodplay and gore and corny dialogue.

I don't think much of the above will be present in the game.

I'll still pirate it just to see what happens. I grew up storytelling oWoD tabletop so I kind of feel invested in this shit

V5 is trash and you don't have to be from Zig Forums to know that

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>"you don't have to be from Zig Forums to know that"
>links Zig Forumsshit
you niggers truly are the reverse SJWs

>make a rulebook for tabletop game
>spend antire page to say that nazis are bad
for what purpose
read the book before comenting

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there's plenty of trash in v5 without you obsessed retards always spamming the same shit about fascists and muh rudi that triggered your fuckin snowflake sensitive asses
you are worse than furries I swear. this thread is for discussing video fuckin games, not your retarded american football team "politics"

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didn’t they just fire the head writer who also worked on the first one?

>make game overtly political
>others point to the overt politics
>nooOOOOOooOOOooOOOOO you can't bring politics into this!!!! you're supposed to just discuss the game!!!!!
the marketing trannies gave up so why are you still here? lmao

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I'm not american, nor i'm right field or browse Zig Forums
That doesn't change the fact that V5 reads like some marxist basement dweler power fantasy
It's jsut bad, stop projecting Zig Forums hate

They, unlike you, have a greater-than-room-temperature IQ.

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I don't think it's Mitsoda's fault but the game being in development for five years and still being delayed seems like they just want the game shipped now. Still leaves little hope though that it still looked so rough and buggy after all that time.

I was defending the potential of this game for ages. I didn't care if the gameplay was jank, or if the animation was cheap, just as long as the story and atmosphere had some of that same creative spark that the first game had. But the unceremonious firing of Brian Mitsoda is a highlight on all the red flags I was trying to ignore. He was basically held up as the primary reason that any old fans of the franchise should get excited, and they just gave him the boot for no given reason.

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the janky ass shooting is not that bad, IMO, the original was that way too (you had to put skill points for more accuracy. I mean, it was bad but it was deliberate)
the really disappointing stuff is the quest compass and waypoint. and it seems like the game is being designed around this lazy ass bethesda tier shit

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