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Video Games
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Video Games #5228
Video Games
Let's make as difficult as we possibly can bro,lmao
What the gaming equivalent?
What do you do when you're caught in a stealth game?
Black Souls
Whats you excuse now Zig Forums?
Jak and Daxter thread
Sonic OVA Theme "Look-a-like" Original Full Version Finally Public
Would you kiss lucina without her consent?
Whats the point if everything is coming to PC?
Bug Fables Thread: Wholesome Edition
Sony hate thread
ITT: Only games that mattered this gen
Post characters that no one hates
Why made the characters so forgettable compared to past entries?
This is the best controller i ever used bro
Why does America get hung up on race and identity politics based on "cultural appropriation" when literally no where...
Here's the plan Zig Forums
So what if any are the latest rumours and hearsay regarding either Nintendo and/or Super Smash Bros as we head in...
PS3 games
Fall Guys
This is the only game I play on a regular basis any more
Which video game death hit you the hardest?
Doctor Freeman, I presume?
Woke up this morning
8000 dollars for a glorified vacuum cleaner
Zig Forums hates it
What do you guys think about the best selling games on PC?
Final fantasy 14
Fighting-adventure type games
Retcons in games thread
Why are people so upset over basic banter these days? "gg ez" is so fucking tame...
You there!
Which video games have improved your life?
What does Zig Forums think of the usage stats for Smash Ultimate's Tournaments...
A gamer who never owns Herman Miller gaming chair is never a whole gamer
Why is this still allowed?
What about Ryza makes men want her to bear their children?
"Dark Souls is my favourite game of all time"
Game industry in Argentina
What Pokemon do you like?
After those terrible 3D TVs and those terrible fucking factory produced movies coming out of sony pictures...
Who /casualmode/ here? The last chapters are such a slog I just had to turn it on to make the combat bearable
Smash is a garbage party gam-
Post a game, people guess your age
Alan Wake 2
Playing Ghost of Sushi
Alien nationalism good
Why are gamers so angry about a "bad" game, Zig Forums?
Why don't you play fighting games?
Yakuza 4
Is THIS what europeons do in their spare time between sucking cocks and paying taxes?
Well, Zig Forums?
Game is ugly, janky...
Pick you favorite
Epic Games has defied the App Store Monopoly. In retaliation, Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices
This scares and confuses the game dev
Good and bad women character designs in gaming
Which one are you?
Oh wow its SOOooo real I want to be stuck in vr for Daaaaysssssss
Miku Monday
School shooting FPS when?
The absolute state of gachafags
Based Musk is about to save online gaming, is there anything he can't do?
Oh yah you like video games?
How come have you not played Chrono Trigger yet?
>he actually linked the fire
I fixed Aerith
English dub
This is bad game design
Is it too late to join the Dragon Ball FighterZ scene?
How did Capcom do it?
Why is there so much Hype for Playstation 5?
Post problematic vidya figures
I think Sword and Shield was alright. Anyone with me?
Are you really missing out on much by playing muramasa on wii rather than vita?
Why are gamers like this?
Fallout btfo
The two Nintendo Switch emulators are making some amazing progress
New Switch Emulation Thread
China is the future of gam-
Have you ever played a game where you couldnt focus because of a certain character...
Super Mario Zig Forumsorld 2 (Thread 28/31)
Open door
Thoughts on Ultrawides for gaming, Zig Forums?
Coverart for "Code of Princess"
How do we fix melee classes
What was it for you?
Wake up
Does he deserve a happy ending, Zig Forums?
How do you see brain computer interfaces revolutionizing video games?
Anyone else looking forward to playing Gotham Knights? I like the Arkham games and always wanted to have co-op
Playstation 4 appreciation thread
What chair should I get?
Sony confirms price of the PS5 to be $0
Who was the better character?
Why are you so threatened by her, Zig Forums? She's just a girl
Games for this feel?
Quick, you landed a critical hit! What's your line?
Has absolutely no backstory other than being born in California and existing in MSF out of nowhere as "BB's best...
You are going to buy it, right?
Go to movie with parents next year
Battle for Azeroth is the longest World of Warcraft expansion ever made!
What is your opinion on this character?
Does Japan really have cooking television shows featuring little girls and see nothing wrong with it?
Canonically into shotas
Co worker suddenly starts talking about vidya
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remastered
Screenshot thread
Joke character who was never serious sacrifices himself to stop a bigger evil
If a video game has an attractive female protagonist, does it make you more or less likely to play it?
RTX Prices
What do we think of this?
Miyamoto barely involved in Paper Mario series
Name ONE game with better combat
Westerners make great females
They all survived, right?
Does Zig Forums like Kindgom of Hearts?
Banjo Kazooie
Basically.... I'm a monke
Is it okay for video games to sexualise little girls that are actually of age of consent?
Are beautiful males being underrepresented in videogames?
Itt: times you were the joker
What are the themes for games that make you ignore them completely?
Hey Zig Forums
One year later, what are your thoughts on Astral Chain?
What was she doing all those months, while John was trying to become a better man and building his house?
Shounen of the generation
You actually realized that most of the game you've played have this mechanics right?
Is the PSP worth buying in 2020 for hacking?
How do you guys think it will change gaming?
Tifa bros
ITT post consumables you would like to try irl
Do you like tomboy characters Zig Forums?
Sony going full multiplat would unironically kill console-wars and save Zig Forums
This is a flop according to Zig Forums
Would you play risk of rain if it looked like this?
Games shouldn't do this
Anybody else order one of these?
What happened to Gabe Newell bros?
Ok how and why?
Spend days modding Skyrim
Are you going to buy PS5 on launch?
Please don't suck
Stunning. Simply stunning
Jojo all-star
If you could erase one game from your memory and experience it again for the first time...
I want to get into bullet hells, what are you recs?
If there ever was a game that classifies as having Soul, it is this game
Cyberpunk 2077
PS5 and Sexbox games will be $70 each
How would you describe the difference between these?
**ITT: games with bad translations/localization**
Desmond Miles
Dirt Rally 2.0?
Soul soulless thread
Don't mind me, just being the cancer that's killing Tekken
The biggest problem with this game is that Novigrad is too long and Skellige is too short...
Why is there such a signifigant downgrade in terms of OST from Lobotomy Corporation to Library of Ruina...
Encounter secret superboss that doesn't look too imposing
Did she really deserved to be in Mario kart and smash?
GOTY (girl of the year)?
Is this unironically the ugliest default female main character ever created?
I've been looking forward to this game since last year
Why aren't you subscribed to the best value in gaming?
NSR No Straight Roads
Sup Zig Forums what heeadset do you guys use for gayman? mine just broke, considering to buy pic related...
He doesn't play a female hunter
Let's have a thread about vidya that helps keep you relatively healthy
Now that Sony is going to port more games to PC, I'm starting to worry about Sony fanboys. Will they be OK?
Persona 3 Portable? More like Persona 3 Portapotty
"I fight for the men I've held in my arms, dying on foreign soil. I fight for their wives and children...
This game revived the dead 2D platforming genre, will you give it the praise it deserves?
Why does Zig Forums hate Rin? She's better than the two other Catherines
What should I name my huntress, Zig Forums ?
If pokemon were real, do you think you would be a good trainer?
Could you kick his ass?
Kino banjo starts playing
What gaming communities are you surprised to have a significant female playerbase...
Would you buy a used ds from a japanese schoolgirl
The glorious transformation is over and I am one of the Many...
There are "men" who don't want a girlfriend who can carry them
How the fuck do I beat him?
Protagonist is the Cutest character
Monobeno, Natsuha route, within 5 minutes this is shown
What is the salo of videogames
Crystal Chronicles
Why is this allowed
Convince me MGR:R isn't a masterpiece about the superego suppressing the id to the detriment of the ego
Why no games set in the 70s?
What's your favorite gamer snack/drink?
Why is picrelated still the best racing game ever made?
Are there any good games on psnow?
League of Legends
Tfw you realize that you could be playing against AIs at all times in video games and would never know
Game has nazis in it
Granblue Fantasy
Give me a game and its food equivalent
Obesity is not healthy
Don't forget to do pvp islands before Shadowlands prepatch!
Why is it impossible to discuss the Remake here without people showing up to post criticisms and everything they didn't...
This angers retroarch zoomers
OK. I just done beating Bowser, possessed him and escaped the moon in SMO...
Why is 2B so popular?
A General Direct is rumored to be coming on September 3
Have video games become too sexy, Zig Forums?
Why is my wife Kasumi so perfect?
Post games with awful soundtracks
Games that are not available on PC
The timeline and continuity of the Zelda franchise. Can someone explain this shit?
What's the Zig Forumserdict on this?
She's right you know
Why are Sonic Girls so based?
So this is the power of nu bioware bros?
Heather is the queen of /vr/
What is Haptic Feedback?
Death Stranding
What's with this sassy lost child?
Will somebody for the love of God tell me how the fuck to make the USB Loaders work...
Why can't gaming community be nicer to them?
What in the fuck was Dark Souls 3 originally going to be about?
This $1,400 US beast is getting revealed in 2 days. Predict the performance gain over 2080 Ti and next gen consoles
Nintendo Switch emulation coming along nicely
So much SOUL
Relax bro it's just a game
You are challenged by gym leader Misty!
Walk into GameStop
Game has trip mechanics
Did anyone else notice that Monolith completely changed the colors of areas in Xenoblade DE...
Bandai Namco Leaks
2B is mankind's glory and mankind isn't even around to enjoy her
Tfw about to trim my pubes
EPSXe has sound deterioration
/25+/ How ya holding up?
Gotta Go Fast racing
How long has it been since you played a video game that you enjoyed?
Is it vaporware?
Tfw no anthro wife
Smoking reduces the stress meter
What are your thoughts on yuri content/elements/fanservice in video games?
What games make you feel like this?
What am I in for?
Is this how Ancient Greeks looked like?
Do you play fighting games for the gameplay or waifus?
Eating fast food restores health
Party Van
Play the sims
I fucking love human females!
People who've never played this exist. How do you cope with this?
Who is this league of legends champion suppose to appeal to?
I bought a Ryzen 7 3700X. I already finished Demon's Souls and played BotW a little bit...
Did they honestly think the voice acting was alright or did they just not care
Subahibi/Tsui no Sora
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Female character has tired eyes
Name 3 good PS4 exclusives, exclude Bloodborne
Why was this never on pc
Video-games should not be allowed to put their god awful fetish fuel into games...
Radio Graffiti
Why japanese games have such short main character?
Post a screenshot from a game
Egoraptor is a based chad with the way he riles up Sonicfags...
Wasteland 3 Thread
Should I buy this game? I don't have a lot of experience with this genre...
Are there any mods for games that really impressed you?
Sup virgin, I'm your bodyguard
Toonami BLM Speech 8/29-30/2020
Do you sell back your video games after finishing them?
She did nothing wrong
Why western devs exist?
Tifa should have looked like this in the remake
VR dates in the new kiseki game
Someone says gg ez after the match
I fixed Aerith
Everytime I make a thread it gets 404ed and no one replies, I just want to talk about video games
If shes the princess of mushroom kingdom, then who is the queen?
Are prebuilt PC's still shit these days?
What went wrong?
How do I get 5 wins in a row in Fall Guys?
What kind of games do w*men play?
What made it so much better than the previous games?
Games you gave up on
Cute talking kitty joins you on your adventure
Choose your type
Day 3 of no fap
I want to have sex with Marnie, age 11!
*Is the single worst level in franchise history in your path
Tales Thread
Primary method of attack is screaming
Sub-par game comes out
Good night, Zig Forums!
Why is blood red?
I am an employee for Epic Games and here’s some exclusive info on Fortnite
Kill alien enemy
It's a good game, but not a good "_______" game
I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
Do you drink while gaming, Zig Forums?
Sony wins by default again
Who did it best?
Wtf nintendo, she's 12
What are some good gaming YT channels?
Most Timeless game of all time
Titanfall 2 is apparently toxic
What a great game
I summon Insect Knight in attack mode, and play the field spell card Gaia Power...
Dracula's car
How come Sony is so adamant about censorship but allowed this scene?
One of the most overrated games ever
Was kratos doing the right thing by killing baldur? Also GOW thread
Is this the saddest moment in vidya?
Visual Novel
Is it even worth buying this now
Sony have just agreed to acquire Square Enix
Q4 2021~Q2 2022
Resident Evil 4
Are you hype for Little Nightmares II?
Smash DLC thread
Why the fuck didn't you buy it?
Biggest 1v1 wager in history
We felt it was time for it to go
Alright lads which ship is better this
Why is the persona fan base so shit
ITT: Music you like from games you've never played
Uhhh... BASED???
Allied character sacrifices himself to defeat the enemy
Make your own MH monster Zig Forums. Look, habitat, fight, etc. also HES IN
If you disagree, you are a console drone
Do i need a good mouse to get good at this?
Soul vs soulless
How do we fix the vidya industry?
Is he a good or bad guy in the game?
The real reason i pirate
What the fuck was his problem?
What vidya-girl would you say your girl-friend resembles the most?
I only play games with cute girls
Worms Armageddon
If Hollows die permanently after dying, why do the hollow enemies respawn?
Gaijin goomba here
They deserve to be happy
Look the user is in love with the video game character!
Mouse and keyboard or controller?
Metal Gear Solid switch port
Ok how and why?
Is Animal Crossing a likely GOTY contender?
It didn't work for him very well
PC players have higher intelligence than console players
Scrambled Eggs 1 has broken down
Anyone care to share their favorite snacks to eat while gaming?
That friend in middle school who did weird poses from videogames/anime
At the moment, there are no Japanese games in the PS5 launch lineup
How do i explain KoF lore to my dad without disappointing him?
Dude, what if we took everything that people like about our games and threw them in the trash?
DF worth playing
What was Kojimbo thinking?
What does it taste like?
What the fuck happened to Notch?
When' will his game come out?
Games for this feel?
Well, is he right Zig Forums?
Game pass
Marvel's Avengers
Carol is infiltrating this Onirism thread
Cyberpunk 2077 thread...
My amazing mother and I got every star coin in Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe!
De facto protagonist of the longest continuously-running storyline (with no games that released in a non-chronological...
What games let me play as a revolutionary?
If you had endless resources for character customization, what character would you create for your self-insert RPG?
Why are you not playing anime girl hydro thunder?
Where the fuck is the Risk of Rain thread?
Which games have made you cry the most?
No offence but I'm kinda shocked at seeing this
3D Platformers
Sony wants to acquire more gaming studios
ITT: Post yfw YOU enter the ZONE
What defines a true ‘Gamer’?
It's ALWAYS this pairing. It's NEVER the other way around
Where did it go wrong?
Comfy Krystal thread
Post your red flags
Is there any way to lower the number of hours I have on a Steam game...
Parasite Eve
Can you imagine Zig Forums?
Tfw PC, PS4 and PS3 ready to go
Zoomer Nostalgia
95% chance to hit
Come on, admit he's kinda cute
Should i use the Drake sword till Sen's Fortress? I feel like it's bit "cheating" to use it...
Some retarded video comes out
Kindgom Hearts III was a massive downgrade from 2F-
Ok fuckers, who did this to the Firekeeper?
What do you think about Sakurai's favoritism
BlazBlue/BBCF Saturday Night Thread
What’s the consensus?
He’s based
This is my wife Cammy. She fights for the greatest country in the world. Say something nice about her
343 removes police nameate from MCC
Smash Bros
What is this, why haven't I heard of it and should I play it?
Party Van
According to the wiki, this chick is a developers persona?
Game isnt bing bang WAHOO every 5 seconds
If Toby Fox is such a good musician, why did someone else have to fix his music?
I need your second strongest potions
I like a guy
Alright guys so realistically how close are we to having something like Nervegear?
Why are food imagery (particularly fruits and vegetables) so common in classic games?
Something kinda just blew my mind
1st dub gets to choose a game which I've to play exactly 100 hours (PC)
ITT: we make a map in tf2 using only mspaint
ITT: Video game music that immediately brings you to tears. I'll start
Memes aside, was he right?
It's him, it's him! The guy who called me a "disgusting faggot" over voicechat on CS GO!
You are locked in a room with DSP
How do you call this stance ?
People say dark souls is hardcore
Who does this type of character design appeal to?
Last thread died
Did you like it Zig Forums?
Besides Spore what games deal with evolution?
What's the worst mario party game?
Have you ever fallen in love with a vidya character?
He buys annual games
Wind Waker is Dora the Explorer
Who was in the wrong here?
Post/rate spartans
Crystal chronicles thread
20 years later and we still can't achieve real time graphics that look as good as this or even prerendered opening...
Does input delay add to the experience?
Best starter
How's the gaming scene in France? do frenchies like video games a lot? how's the gaming culture in France?
What went wrong with wrestling games?
Who's Riot's audience with K/DA?
Master Chief and Arbiter at Halo
Post games only YOU played
Enemy looks harmless
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
I dont get it
"如何にも, 私は”>"如何にも, 私は”ゴースト・オブ・ツシマ™"でござる。
Metroid Prime
"The game development philosophy I’ve adopted from Mr. Miyamoto is developing innovative and unique gameplay systems...
Was actionshit RE that bad?
Play l4d2
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
When did the video game industry truly die?
Why doesn't Crash attract as much autism and anger as Sonic? They both went through shitty downfalls
DLSS is a mem-
Why didn't batman just keep her as his joker rape slave?
Real life vidya levels
Did you build your own gaming PC?
Sony is making a big deal about genshin impact
How does every online tcg manage to be worse than magic?
I see... only darkness... before me
Wowowow did you really just portray the BLM fist in something other than positive manner...
Mass effect
What does Zig Forums eat while gaming? i don't eat these frequently because they make me sleepy as hell afterwards
Your favorite video game character Crash Bandicoot wears the mask
What games let you BE the little girl?
Why did you let it die, Zig Forums?
Say something negative about a game you love or say goodbye to your balls
It's over, Sonybros! We got too cocky
Least Fuckable Pokémon
Better then arkham city
Name 1(one) game that is praised by all of Zig Forums
I would like to raise a toast... to video games
Borderlands 1
Which modern controller, first-party or otherwise, has the best d-pad?
Is there any videogame that you can have a badass caveman advneture?
You, yeah, you, I have a question
Level scaling
Wtf i love Ubisoft now
Tell me about the Super-Duper Mart
Genuine question: what is causing almost all games (and media) today to be unironically soulless?
Why are these three and Banjo still the only truly iconic third parties in Smash? No one asked for Cloud...
Nu-Wolfenstein >>> Nu-Doom
Black Souls
>>>Zig Forums
Oddworld thread
Flawed Characters
What's better, a Trap Protagonist or a Female Protagonist?
Based Kamiya
Game has two wikis
What is more popular? Final Fantasy XIV or World of Warcraft?
If Platinum had just DONE THIS, they would not be going bankrupt
How's that game coming along Zig Forums?
Is Team Fortress 2 fun for someone completely new to it in 2020?
Massive fan outcry for ridley in smash
VtMB 2
“You’re not going to wear a bikini to a fight,” he explained. “You’re not going to be showing so much skin...
Would you play a video game that teaches you Japanese?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine