why don't you play fighting games?
Why don't you play fighting games?
I don't like playing patient
I'm about to fire up Vampire: Savior and get into it. I don't think any arcades near me had anything other than Darkstalkers 1.
I do. I only play hardcore games like Tekken.
just play sfv then, game is unga bunga offense until you're super diamond
but i do
>Try to play Skullgirls
>have to wait like 30 secs until my opponent drops his combo
3rd strike is outrageously hard if you want to do any cool shit like charge buffering, OS, or crazy juggles
I'm bad at them. When Street Fighter goes on Plus next week I'll probably spend a few days stomping scrubs, a few more advancing with a small handful of characters I'm good with, then finally reach a mid-low tier of competent players I can't win a single round against. I've got like three characters at "Marauder" in Tekken 7 and that's as good as I'm going to get
I can't even do booki's target combo, I have zero muscle memory.
you're not wrong
The fucking microfreezes during each hit. Do you think this is normal?
kind of happy that most series are getting rid of mechanic bloat and ridiculously high execution barriers, strive is (mostly) looking promising
How the fock are you typing then?
Only a homosexual picks a male character and beat up a female sexy character.
One letter at a time.
don't like multiplayer games and hate people
i dont know which one to play on pc
What, you mean like hitstun?
Because I am shit at them.
I can understand fundamentals, but I cannot execute. I cannot combo for shit - hitting the exact buttons at frame X when they are in state Y - I just cannot figure it out.
Plus, Fighting games seem to have way to many meters/resources to track, and every super is a cinematic. It's fucking gay.
Cuz I got dyspraxia real bad and can't do the special moves
Only a virgin treats them like princesses
i play games to have fun and not feel at fault for failure
if i wanted self improvement i'd work out
Because SFV fucking sucks and literally no one plays UNICL. And no, the fuckers from here don't count. I'm not a NEET that can play at 3 am.
I told some faggot to make a webm of him executing the KBD in Tekken 4 but he hasn't bothered yet.
My condolences.
I do. I'm at a point I almost only play fighting games now. It's the peak of video-game alongside some classics like Bomberman, Puyo Puyo and other competitive/arcade games.
I do. Nowhere near competitively but they're fun with friends. We usually end up switching to Smash though since we don't have to take turns and it offers more variety.
I used to play them regularly with a co-worker and every Friday with a group of friends until covid hit, and I haven't done either for about five months since. I enjoy playing against people in person much more than online, and admittedly I'm not as motivated to play online against strangers than I am against people I know in person, but I need to pick myself up and start playing again.
I have a Xrd lobby open right now.
EU PC, ulnd
What are you talking about? I play plenty of smash bros.
Because I’m a shitter and can’t get any better no matter how hard I try
Too much autism and not enough fun to my liking. Also several things make it hard to play with friends :(