Why does Zig Forums hate Rin? She's better than the two other Catherines
Why does Zig Forums hate Rin? She's better than the two other Catherines
get the fuck out and take your tranny shit with you
I actually didn't play the route because "ew, fagets".
Transphobic I take it?
fuck off tranny
>Rin is everything I like in a girl
>it’s a boy
I blame my first gf, who was flat chested. Since then, I dated a bunch of monster tity girls I didn’t care for.
I want a skinny petite gf with zero boobs and ass
Only 41% of us like him
Disgust isn't fear, fella. It is quiet nice to imagine that everyone fears you, I'd imagine.
cuz he has a dick
Flat girls aren't boys, you mongoloid...
I don’t care what gender rin is, I’ll fuck anyone that looks like that
Because her sole fucking existence ruins the atmosphere and thematics of the game. Everything is moe and shit, and everybody talks about Rin constantly for no fucking reasons. And if they wanted a tranny what they did with Erica was actually pretty good and definitely enough. Rin is just stupid fan service, like every fucking new character Atlus adds in their remake, from P4G to SJR. Except this time she almost ruins the fucking game.
Tap that ass.
You just want a man.
If he can morph into a human, what stops him from morphing his penis into a vagina?
The bone structure won’t feel right
>zero boobs and ass
Thick hips and a flat chest is the best combo, homo.
I take back the zero ass part, but I’m Irish
>Thick hips and a flat chest is the best combo
Anything with a vagina is the best combo, faggot.
Not all patricians are dead and gone, I see. Good.
>Anything with a vagina
Be carful of what you wish for
r e n t f r e e
I hate Atlus so much, all they’ve made since Purseowner 4 is shitty waifu simulators
Qatherine a cute
Confucius say,
"Big tits and small ass will fill your hands,
But small tits and big ass will fill your heart."
She doesn't have a dick. She's a sexless alien.
She absolutely has a dick, she whips it out in Vincent's face.
Why would an alien have a dick? To jerk off?
Aliens like to probe
7/10 would suck
You don't want your super secret alien spy to get outed in the bathroom because the humans go "hey, let's see your dick bro". It's the same reason terminators have dicks, because otherwise, you could just ask everyone to take off their pants before they enter the hideout.
nice probe