itt: times you were the joker
Itt: times you were the joker
That time I crippled Barbara Gordon. Shit was hype.
that time I wasted my teens and adult life on the internet instead of pursuing real hobbies and any kind of tangible skill or life experience
In a tbc wow private server they left a bug where you could by a scroll for 1g from this merchant in shattrath or whatever that hub was called and you can resell it to the merchant for 25g. You could do this infinitely so I would and had like 50k gold and went opening trade with random people and give them 10k gold. Ended up crashing that games entire economy doing this. They didn't fix that big for a year and a half and I and one other guy in my guild were the only ones who knew about it.
i never understood this boomer mindset. you simply want to do things that you believe are worth your time? something that improves your quality of life even if it's not exactly enjoyable? i never found anything that i would feel like spending my time on except for computer related stuff.
a job and social life make those limited hobbies better. with a job you have a steady stream of funds to further put into your hobby. with a social life, it shouldn't even need to be said why that's a positive, but in addition to that if they are also interested in said hobby then you have people to engage in that hobby with. the wojak in that image is incapable of doing or acquiring these things.
>computer related stuff.
There are a ton of computer related skills. Most people are complete morons who know nothing about computers, so they see anything involving one the same way they see playing video games. It's just the mark of a low iq.
>Recognize his state of inaction
>Has grown so attached to suffering that he will indulge in inaction rather than recognize epiphany as an opportunity to break the cycle and jump into action.
At least, people with an actual, deep victim complex are often oblivious of their power of action because they have fallen too deep into learned helplessness. You hold the crucial advantage of realizing the flaw within your shitty perception, therefore, you have no excuse to remain in inaction and willingly choose to do so.
I have very little sympathy for doomers because they are willingfully blind to their power of action because of cowardice and fear of failure, but you are capable of far more than you think. When you stop living in the movies that you make up in your head and decide to face the world for exactly what it is, that's when you'll realize you're not doomed to the future you think you are fated to.
I am helpless though
No you're not, though. Everything people do have an impact. Even by locking yourself into mom's basement spouting memes everyday, you are shaping the world. You are still a vehicle for ideas which travel like viruses across minds. There is no such thing as an helpless person.
But in the state that you are in right now, I doubt you can recognize it. Doomer psychology comes from deep alienation and betrayal from reality. I have the ferling you have not gone through your grief fully.
Reminds me of when I beat Jason Todd with a crowbar I mean somebody stop me
you don't know me and I doubt you would even have sympathy if you knew the extent at which my helplessness went so this isn't really working
i'm blind in my left eye and am a cripple in my lower body, the only thing stopping me from killing myself is my mom
I know that feel. One time, during Christmas, I managed to sneak rockets in the psych ward they were keeping me in and managed to install them on the recreation area's massive Christmas tree which I, then, climbed and used as a rocket that O flew straight through the window to make my cunning escape.
Guess I really did ruin Christmas for those schizo huh?
Boomers think that learning a "skill" or a "hobby" (so long as it's not video games) is the only way one should use their time. In reality it's fucking retarded logic, nothing stops you from playing video games AND getting into another hobboy or learning a skill.
However, for most young people, wherein the current political and socioeconomic climate is stifling at best in terms of economic mobility, actually taking up a new hobby or using a learned skill to get a job is rather difficult. For example I am interested in music, but aside from some shitty keyboards most instruments are hundreds if not thousands of dollars, not to mention equipment if you want to record music, etc.
I fuck around with DAWs and sheet music in my spare time to cope, but still. The current climate just doesn't support this line of thinking boomers employ.
A guy in GTA IV online gave me a ride to the airport from way back across the map and when we got there he stopped in front I got out and shot him and stole the car.
It didn't impact me much back then, but thinking about it now I feel very sorry. Man I miss GTA IV online so much V's online just doesn't compare.
That time there were actually three of me and Batman never noticed. What a cuck.
I'm trying to get all the Steam achievements for TW:Warhammer II while cream_aping the shit out of it.
killing my teammate in left for dead 2 on expert for a med kit and ammo
>nothing stops you from playing video games AND getting into another hobboy or learning a skill.
Duh. Alcoholics could just start using moderation too, but that never works. The issue is that people don't do both because they spend all of their time on video games.
that time I played the PS3 exclusive content of Arkham Asylum
I was raped as a child, severely beaten for years, treated like a retard by psych in school because I am ADHD, saw my bipolar dad ruin two families, once with me and my mom and another time withy stepmom and half sister. I have dealt with post traumatism my whole life and suffer crippling phobia of physical contact and massive trust issues that makes intimacy an impossible endeavor.
It also fucked up my professional life. None of you know me either, so that is not the point. Suffering does not set you apart from others, it makes you more relatable, it brings you closer to other. I have little sympathy because you willingly remain in inaction, not because you suffer.
Not everyone is as mentally resilient as you
You're mentally resilient enough to keep yourself away from suicide and grounded in your reality of suffering for years on end, what makes you believe that you are not resilient enough?
During Mortal Kombat vs DC, Persona 5, Suikoden 3
My life is great. I'm really handsome, don't need to work for it. Same goes for money - inherited a shit ton from my mother. And she isn't even dead or sick, she just gave it to me because she wanted to see how happy it makes me. I'm good at my job, work little, earn a lot and do it just for fun. I'm married, my wife worships the ground I walk on and I'm about to buy my drwam house.
You are both ugly, retarded, raped and abused pathetic excuses of humans and you should kill yourselves. I'm sad you are breathing the same air as me.
I am paralyzed from the waist down and have lived with manipulators who would rather see me fail than go out and do something in the world
they all either died or fundamentally do not care for me on such a level that I've not spoken to them in years
the only person i have in this world that cares about me even remotely, my brother, let me move in with him after years of constantly being kicked out or belittled for wanting to be something more than the coddled family cripple
but he is incapable of providing that parental guidance i missed out on throughout my entire childhood and teenage years, i don't dislike him for it but that is just the kind of person he is, it is what it is and there's nothing i can do about it
beyond that, he's also far too busy to "take care" of me so i had to teach myself, as a cripple, to become as independent as one can and even then i've barely gotten anywhere as i still cannot thoroughly clean, or drive a vehicle
i have a job, i work from home, i absolutely hate it but it's all i got as there's no opportunity for me outside and the hundreds of jobs i've tried to get were either outright rejected or ended in humiliating failure
i am trapped, in a broken crippled body, without a thing to do in the world but simply exist
i was never allowed to dream so there is no grandiose life or goal for me to pursue, and i don't even know how it feels like to know your purpose let alone to actively set out on achieving it to its fullest
i have never been allowed to live a normal, happy or stable life from the day i was born and the day i became a cripple that just became about 5000 times worse in every capacity
i am less than a man and everyone who sees me knows it or thinks it, even if they don't say it
there is nothing i can do from here except wait until i have burdened my brother too much, or until he dies or i die
my role is to simply exist in a catatonic state of indifference, because there is nothing else for me to do in this life
cool blog retard. sadly it's tl;dr whining of a totally irrelevant looser asshole. and now kys, it will makr the world a better place.
Know how that sounds?
>Booohoooooo I'm a fucking retarded cripple booohoooo!!! ;_;
>what makes you believe that you are not resilient enough
because whenever I try to get out of that hole and do something, it drags me back in harder than before, driving me closer to suicide every time
I have not felt happiness for close two decades now, any hobby I try to pick up makes me completely miserable after a month, no matter how much people support me in it
I've wasted thousands of dollars on things that should make me at least a tiny bit happy, but the don't, instead I feel horrible because it's a waste of money
suddenly SES
whatever happened to human empathy?
only proving me right what do you gain from trying to make a person who's down feel worse? i'm sure you have your own problems and grievances but "boohoo get over it fag" right?
jump. please fucking jump already. your constant crying is too much to bear for everyone around you. seriously, everyone will be much happier without you.
edgy summer tourists are out in full force I see.
That's not the point. The point is you're a whiny faggot. And whiny faggots don't get anywhere in life and they don't deserve to. Stop being a whiny faggot.
>playing tf2
>insane sniper on other team
>keeps killing me mid air as soldier
>taunting every time
>typing shit in chat
>initiate a vote kick
>say in chat "cheating, kick pls"
>unanimously kicked