The empire is really badly written

I was enjoying stormblood story so far, the whole oppression and resistance narrative.
Until the first empire cutscene.

Does it get any better?

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Why is the bahamut music playing is limsa right now bros

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Just stick with it until you are done 2.0. The patch content for stormblood is really good and then you'll hit shadowbringers, the best thing that happened to Final Fantasy in a long time. But yeah stormblood is just kinda mediocre as a story

does the empire ever stop being a one dimensional villain?

they get slightly better in the patch as you get to see a really interesting convo with the emperor himself but yeah they kinda stay pretty 1 dimensional. Shadowbringers has no empire tho so you dont have to deal with them during that expansion

>oppression and resistance
Garlemald conquers through war and turns the zones into vassal states. This is how war-based empires operate. The empire then uses the conquered states to further fuel future campaigns. While some take a liking to it, not all of them do and resistance is a real thing. Do you even into history?

I guess it's a good story for turning your brain off, just like the rest of the game.

They are misguided. They want to put an end to Primals, but the savage races keep on summoning them.

what reason is given officially for the empire's massive campaign to invade the rest of the world?

jesus fucking christ some of the cutscenes in this game are longwinded.

is it ever shown the methods and ways the empire acquires their resources and trains their troops?

Their entire existence is designed around being a 'one dimensional villain'
Ascians formed Garlemald in order to sow seeds of Chaos and usher in further calamities in order of bring about further rejoinings

To save the world from Primals

if the world was not saved from primals by the empire and only the empire specifically, what would the world become, according to them?

Garleans were a slave state until about 100 years before the story takes place. Abused and bullied for the lack of magic and their third eye which does fucking nothing but look weird. Then some genius child comes along and turns the tables on the world, conquering territories left and right until the entire northern continent belongs to them. The child, as an adult brings all sorts of revolution including Magiteck and the Garleans are hell-bent on proving their superiority to the world.
There's more to it than that, but you'll have to keep going to figure it out.

so in summary the empire is fighting to save the world from primals, not to prove their superiority to the world

No. It doesn't have to be one or the other you fool. They're champions of their own causes and prideful to their nation. It's all a fucking lie anyway, but the Garleans don't know that.

youll learn more about their motive. Just wait till patch content when you talk to the emperor and dont spoil yourself

it sounds to me that this grand post patch reveal isn't going to be as mind blowing as you guys are advertising me about it.

> "No lands must remain beyond our grasp. Go forth. Conquer. Rule."

They're not that deep and they don't need to be.

for a story focused game yes, they need to be

>try to log in
>password is incorrect
>reset password
>password is incorrect

check email

there are some good Garleans that feel bad about whats going on

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its not really a reveal but just a really good conversation where the world leaders sit down and have a long talk and shit talk about the hypocricies of each other. Its great


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It sounds to me like you're a fucking faggot user.

There's a lot of shills in these threads, user.

ITT: People tell a flailing OP how stupid he is, he gets spoiled on all the twists like a moron and ruins the experience for himself. He then gets increasingly defensive and goes like "it sounds bad anyway so i dont care that i got spoiled b... baka" while crying behind the keyboard.

Happens all the time because stupid OPs are ubiquitous,

The Empire was created by an Ascian purely as a tool to create conflict so that more calamities would happen.

Nah I figured it out. So when resetting my password it would have me create a one-time password but I didn't actually need it. I had tried leaving it blank before but must have entered something else wrong because my password was still invalid.


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If they were actually the villains and not just unwitting pawns, sure. Dumbass. And even so several of the Empire characters have a lot of depth even if the Empire as an entity doesn't.

The Rising event is happening now.

they are a puppet organization designed to be villains for the grand stage of Eorzea that cause chaos for the other civilizations on the plane

it is a government that literally by design is not supposed to improve things or even successfully govern a populace. It was created by a higher entity who only wishes for the destruction of all the races and people in Eorzea. It just inflicts that chaos and destruction in a more subtle way then a random army of demons, instead causing pain and suffering through ever expanding goals of conquest and propagandist indoctrination.

the whole thing is a sham

here is flavour shit i want in

teleport glamours, let me ascian teleport places
speech bubbles for npcs and or players
a novice network exclusive mini hub zone
crafters can repair other people gear
retainer content. you have retard squadrons but cant hang with your retainer

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Now ranked for your convenience
>Abyssal Depths
>Deeper than the average schmuck
That one roe who's name will never be remembered
Van Hydrus (giganigga)
Varis (retarded, but still has depth)
>2 dimensional minimum
Cape Westwind Striking Dummy (Savage)
Zenos (part of his character so mildly forgivable)
>Flat boring 1-dimensional
Every random asshole you meet
Gunbreaker asshole

>crafters can repair other people gear

this was in 1.0 but removed, i don't know why

you could also run a shop directly off of your player character kinda like ragnarok online

>crafters can repair other people gear
i could've sworn this was already a thing

If the empire is the most advanced and civilized, why do they allow him to execute his own soldiers on the spot if they fail? You may make your soldiers shit their pants but you're not winning any morale that way.

post lalas

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