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Gavin Gomez
Josiah Collins
Is this the deepest we'll ever go with Ganondorf's character?
Dylan Howard
Wind Waker Ganondorf is basically an alcoholic who got arrested after a drunken bender, spent years in supermax with not even rancid toilet wine to drink, finally escapes, and immediately starts sprinting towards the nearest liquor store.
Jordan Reed
>That nose
What does Nintendo mean by this?
Brody Lopez
I like Wind Waker but they never explained the wasteland full of Zombies. Feels like that's the opposite of covet.
Landon Hughes
It's a roman nose.
Nicholas Kelly
Seems like, and what's funny is that this was very subtle, but since everything before and after was pretty simplistic it remains the best.
Isaac Cox
I like it, but I would really like to explore Ganondorf as a personality more in later games, even if it's a little cliche tragic king kind of thing
Leo Jenkins
Why did Ganon wreck Hyrule in Ocarina, then? Did the Triforce of Power basically send him mad?
Daniel Lee
Ganons seem to vary in levels of anger and retardation with each cycle
William Jenkins
I'd hope BOTW2 is going to explore Ganondorf considering the fact they've made him undead.
Ian Smith
He was too weak mentally and let destructive power consume him. That was the likely explanation before the retarded Demise shit, which basically 'explains' that Ganon is evil for the sake of it.
Ryan Evans
In LTTP Ganondorf is basically an incarnation of greed (which is why he's often portrayed as a pig) and when he entered the sacred realm this aspect overtook him.
When it comes down to it he's a character who lived a hard live wanting an easier live and using amoral means to obtain it. We can sympathize with his plight but understand his methods make him a villain.
Connor Collins
I mean Ganon is just an incarnation, much like Link and Zelda, and they both vary severely still. It's not like Ganon is just some premade template.
Gavin Diaz
>Did the Triforce of Power basically send him mad?
Pretty much, he wasn't just drunk on power, he was white girl wasted on power.
Jack Morales
I hope BOTW2 ends up being the title that breaks the resurrection cycle so their poor battered souls can take a break and stop getting repeatedly thrown into the CBT machine
Fucking Demise
Gavin Lee
Here's what never made sense to me though.
>Wind Waker Ganon states that he hated the desert wasteland and envied Hyrule's green fields and prosperous winds
>Gets into power and turns Hyrule into a wasteland itself
Justin Martin
>When it comes down to it he's a character who lived a hard live wanting an easier live and using amoral means to obtain it.
It's like how a bunch of gangs started off looking out for their hoods, until they got the money and drugs, then it became all about that.
David Nelson
Because power corrupts, user.
Ryan Martinez
"suffer as I have suffered" is the oldest villain motive in the book
James Evans
Just because you want something doesn't mean you can successfully maintain it, this is the inherent problem of the triforce of power. Power without wisdom just leads to destruction. It's important to note the triforce basically only works when it's complete, and Ganon has only ever had one third of it.
This is basically also why Zelda generally manages to do fuck all without Link, this is perhaps most obvious in Spirit Tracks where Zelda is spending most of her time without the power to act (you have to sneak out of the damn castle) and afraid for herself.
Connor Walker
See He's basically an addict who is fully aware that his addiction is destructive but just can't stop doing it.
Levi Johnson
and even link isn't immune to the flaws of having only one part
take the scene in WW here he jumps after his sister: full of courage, but it was also bloody stupid and would have gotten him killed
Connor Hernandez
Pretty much, Link typically has a support character (or multiple) to borrow power and wisdom from. OoT has Navi and Sheik constantly guiding your path. TP Link has Midna assisting him power and wisdom. It's very rare for Link to be completely alone. BotW sort of stand out there as Link doesn't have one set support character as the emphasis is more on exploration and such, but even there you end up borrowing power from the guardians.
Wyatt Jones
I love how everybody ignores that the context makes fuck all sense, not to mention the erratic tone of the entire scene.
There's nothing deep about this loser or that singular, meaningless line. It sounds vaguely poetic and passes as quickly as the wind through the trees.
Nintendo can't write or keep up with the advancement of the action genre. Their games are average, relying on brand recognition and nostalgia to keep bread on the table.
Brandon Perry
>they can't write
pretty much why their games have fuck all dialogue
Carson Powell
Exactly, and that’s why I think in Wind Waker Ganondorf has mastered all three virtues, he’s learned from his mistakes (the whole puppet Ganon fights are basically him testing Link, and he then makes him climb a huge tower to tire him out (during the cutscene at the top Link is visibly exhausted, and he uses this opportunity to steal the tri force of courage) being wise in other words)). It’s also one of the few times he never turns into Ganon. If it wasn’t for King Daphnes, (Ganondordf’s fool basically), he would have won easily.
Christian Russell
*Ganondorf’s foil
James Allen
Link becomes more powerful as he wins battle after battle, and proves his wisdom by solving puzzles and riddles. Ganondorf has power, but lacks the wisdom to see the folly of his actions, and lacks the courage to face Link in battle until Link's at his door and forces the matter. Zelda has wisdom, but lacks the power to do anything meaningful, or the courage to act.
Cooper Sullivan
>he’s learned from his mistakes
He learned nothing from the biggest mistake he made. He's still trying to obtain the ultimate power, even though his last attempt to do so lead to his downfall the first time.
Liam Williams
I don't see how it doesn't make sense, both he and the king are hopelessly obsessed with Hyrule despite it being lost and long surpassed, this scene is just him admitting it's probably more than a little pointless since his tribe aren't around any more but he's been in it for too many centuries to give up
that's where he differs from king whatever, who willingly drowns the place and tells the kids to find a new land that isn't hyrule
you're right that it isn't exactly deep but it makes enough sense to follow
Andrew Jenkins
>I coveted that wind, I suppose
Dylan Davis
The point of the tri force is that you can’t handle its power unless you are strong in all three virtues, which Ganondorf was at that point. His mistake in Wind Waker was the same as King Daphnes, he couldn’t let go and move on, although Daphnes finally accepted that by the end, which saved the future.
Nicholas Martin
This is how I see it with him.
>Decline Timeline
has him as the victorious new Demon King with the Triforce, before being sealed in the sacred realm, then killed by Silver Arrows later down the road. He is just lame Demise 2.0 as other villains or his own minions try to revive him or control him for their own interests.
>Child Timeline
has him being caught before he ever gets his chance to even do anything. Even more might have not even curse Jabu Jabu or Deku Tree if Link was sent even further back. He is sealed in the Twilight Realm and later his basically on a revenge path for what he thinks is a grave injustice. He too is killed, but at least he reincarnates again as a Gerudo.
>Adult Timeline
has him sealed in the sacred realm with only the Triforce of Power. He see only partially escapes to see Hyrule flooded and destroyed. Everything is washed away. He now gets to see other people suffer because of him, since he is not distracted by his own (still sealed) power. Instead to realizing he is a total ass and maybe he should stop, he doubles down on conquering Hyrule: justices that “he can save and restore Hyrule” to help everyone.... but still be their ruler.
Basically WW Ganondorf is a excepted convict that almost finished his sentence (and possibly rehabilitated), but messes up because he is only good at being a evil wizard.
Jack Green
The only time this storyline was ever good was in Dragon's Dogma.
Luis Morgan
>which Ganondorf was at that point
Was he, though? He had power, and he had courage, but he still lacked the the wisdom to realize that his efforts were for naught. Hyrule was all but gone, and it was entirely his fault, and he knew it, but he still wouldn't give up. Daphnes on the other hand was worthy: as a king, he knew all about the burden of power, he had the wisdom to know the right thing to do AND the courage to see it through.