>No Waluigi, it's shit.
waluigi Will neve be in the main series
why not bro
>he never unlocked waluigi
waluigi If he in Mario 64
This box-art was so much cooler than the fag one we got in the US
That's actual boxart? the composition is shit, too much empty space.
There is just something more soulful about it. I think the fact that it looks kinda sucky from a technical aspect adds to it. The US one was too in your face for me. This captures the N64 boxart vibe a tad closer.
fag detected
Watch your lip, bud.
>it looks good because it looks bad
fuck off
Your taste is shit and appeals too strictly to your idea of what proper "composition" should be.
I was about to say this.
The poor balance of negative space is off-putting, and the characters are very small and hard to make out, especially the ones who blend in with the grass like luigi and yoshi.
Call it "soulful" all you want, but it's bad draftsmanship. Clarity is the most important thing when making cover art, you can make it artistic but you still need a strong sense of clarity.
Why not?
It looks like a snapshot of the characters existing in their world rather than posing for marketing purposes. The abundance of negative space and blending greens make it seem unstaged. It's naturalistic and it gives the characters a sense of real life.
soulful cover
It's nice art but I look at this and wonder what the fuck it has to do with SM64. The castle is way more iconic.
here's your fixed cover art bro
Cause when I think of Mario, I think of real life.
Much better.
But still the whole birds eye view is a bit questionable and elicits the feeling of a top-down RPG like Mario and Luigi games as opposed to Mario 64.
>It looks like a snapshot of the characters existing in their world rather than posing for marketing purposes.
Too bad the whole purpose of a cover is to MARKET the game.
I've played this game more than the original one. I don't know how I tolerated the controls. It's so bizarre that they did it on a handheld of all things but it was a nice demonstration of the DS's capabilities.
Yeah, it's an objective stepdown from the N64 version's controls but this is the version I played the most as a kid, even though I had it and the N64. I really liked being able to play as Luigi and Wario.
When I see that box art, I do too.
And it was a success.
what? Is SOUL filtered now?
>And it was a success.
Because it was the only DS game at launch with "Mario" in the title.
user is probably just joking about the initial typo.
I liked playing as Wario