Pick you favorite

pick you favorite

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They all look like cute homo twinks that i would gladly rub their tummies and fuck them senslessly

Toon as he's always canonically straight

But Link has pink hair in LTTP?

Link to the past has pink hair thats DX/Oracle link

Skyward or Wild look the cutest

If I really had to pick either original or majora
But really,


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There is not a single piece of artwork made for LTTP that shows him with pink hair. The developers could not implement bunny link without making normal link's hair pink due to palette limits. It was NOT a design choice, it was a technical limitation and thats why every artwork shows him with the hair the devs intended.

that's zelda dude, the main character
The Legend of *Zelda*

Oh no, dudes! Link's been captured by Ganon and being made into a slave!
Wont somebody save him?!

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No no dude, it's called "the adventure of link"

arent ocarina and majora link the exact same model?

This is what the kike wants to destroy by pouring millions of apes in white countries.

Fight the niggers if you want to save the hot twinks from total extinction.

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You better hint the sauce right now

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You sound like someone with too much hate who probably struggles to live a happy life which in turn makes you into what you despise.

Last time I checked I wasn't a nigger.

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For fucks sakes David, don't you have a BLACKED thread or 6 to run on /gif/?

TP Link always came off as particularly strong and heroic to me

One might even wonder why a person.. or some people at all might become so bitter and so vocal about a subject that invokes real uncomfortable responses in people alomst automaticly, like they're been trained to not discuss such topics and just continue their lives..hmm..


Sure user.
>When Zig Forums thinks they're defending western civilization by bitching on a gaming forum
Isn't that literally the same argument as "white fragility" just turned around and blamed on da joos?

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I don't associate with brown muttoids larping as whites

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I'll take it, ty


Twilight Princess is the most masculine, and handsome, so that one.

Okay Zig Forums
I mean you're still being as retarded as them.

Ok Schlomo

toon, tp, oot.

I like Twilight link. Looks like he'd be annoyed at everything. He might have a cute country accent. Plus he can turn into a cute dog :)

>Isn't that literally the same argument as "white fragility" just turned around and blamed on da joos?

nah i was trying to make a veiled point about how many people already know todays society is fucked, freeodm is slavery, full 1984 but they are so tired of it and try to live their lives or get very angry when some brave soul brings up such points because they feel ashamed, unable to do so themselves because they do not want to be social outcasts or have to realize reality at times. I dont blame them this world is fucked, full of low iq people from every single ideology believeing they know how society should function. Hell even calling the mass destruction in USA what they are, Ideological Riots that kills people and ends lives is not allowed, It's madness made real, the final verse of this society so enjoy it, why i'm here, why msot of us are here.

Eh, kinda based. The white race isn't disappearing as fast as you think. We've got a good 200/300 years at the least