Why haven't you played BOTW the greatest video game ever made??????
Why don't you love it?????

This game is magnificient and is truly leaps and bounds ahead of anything any other game maker has done so far!!!!
It is the pinnacle of pinnacles.
What every game should strive to be but will never achieve nor come close to its greatness. It IS the best video game ever made in the history of forever!!!!!
In fact to call this just the best game ever is a disservice to it.
It is grand, it is magnificient.

It is so utterly flawless. That's right flawless!!!!!
"But user!!!" You might say. "BOTW has flaws, no video game is perfect".
To that I say you are DEAD WRONG!!!

Imagine the greatest drug ever that makes you tall, fit, smart, strong and has no side effects, however it costs 1cent. Would you say that 1 cent is a flaw?????
No you wouldn't!!!!
It's so utterly insignificant to what it gives you that it's meaningless. The same can be said to BOTW. Its strengths far outweigh any negatives that may arise. Regardless of how you feel about the game. Which might I say, if it is anything other than love for the game is wrong. You see my logic behind these words.

The open world that lets you climb anywhere, is the greatest thing conjured by man!!! The weapon durability system that forces you to keep on your toes. Down to the small things that you might miss.
Every is art. Everything surely cannot be made by mere mortal man.
Yet it is!!!!

This game is so utterly amazing that it has changed me. I was nothing compared to what I am now. My eyes have opened to BOTW. My world is forever changed.
I cannot and will not go back. This is the ultimate gaming experience.

Now anons let us bask in the greatness of BOTW.

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I uninstalled this boring pile of crap after few hours. Isn't worth pirating.

I got bored after 35 hours

Only 4 dungeons that all look exactly the same and are very short

Walking simulator

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the greatest video game ever made!!!!!!!!
You've obviously never played it, have you!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?
You should apologize, not to me but to BOTW.
It doesn't need such filth being spread about it. It is entitled to veneration. WHICH YOU SHOULD DO.

Now go actually play it and stop lying!!!!!!!!!


You must be 18 years or older to post on Zig Forums.

putting all that bait and no one is going to read it, play red redemption 2 and save your internet data from pirating this tranny shit

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Can I play it with mouse and keyboard if I emulate it? I don't have controller with me at the moment.

*squeals happily*
It is the best thing evar you have to play it!!!!
You will love and venerate it like I do.

Fuck you double nigger.

Because i'm not into Nintendo since SNES

Attached: botw.jpg (186x271, 8.56K)

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

97 and will become a legacy just like OOT.


I did all 120 shrines, beat Ganon twice for fun. Did all Divine Beast and about 54 sidequests. Great Game

The greatest drug in the world costing one cent would be a huge flaw because it wouldn't be profitable.

people act like it's the best or worse thing ever but in ten years you'll look at it like you look at any other such game like for example skyrim, you can see it for what it truly is which is just another video game

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sonygro already seething

I've already clocked like 360 hours.
I need to try the DLC one day.

>reddit dead redemption
back to plebbit subhuman rockstar cuck

Have you ever played elder scrolls oblivion ?

>any other such game
Good one. Skyrimjob was always gay zoomer shit. A huge downgrade from past TES titles.
BotW on the other hand revolutionized not only its own IP, but the open-world genre in general.

Have you ever played any TES game NOT released on Xbox 360?

Thank you so this image i love it so much.
It makes so many people seethe.
BOTW is the best game of all time and haters have a right to seethe.
It alrezdy is the greatest game ever. So yeah OOT and other zelda games are dogshit compared to this.

botw is janky in many areas and could be developed so much further, it basically just has an mmo quest structure and that's not a real revolution by any stretch of the imagination

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>botw is janky in many areas and could be developed so much furthe
In which areas exactly?

>just has an mmo quest structure
While there ARE typical RPG quests (which have been a thing looong before even the first MMO came to exist), the "quests" really are not what makes BotW tick.
Instead, the game harnesses and encourages pure, unadulterated adventure. It excites the players' own desire to explore, discover, and experiment. Hell, for the first 20+ hours, I didn't meet a single living person in the game. It wasn't before accidentally coming across my first Stable at the northern edge of the Gerudo valleys that I realized that there's actually NPC settlements and a money system.

for example all the random encounters are not random at all they repeat in the same places every time the world resets

the game has terrible lod transitions

wildlife literally runs into thin air *poof*

I'm not looking to argue with you I already know I'm right
I go wherever I want in any open world, doesn't matter to me that botw was your first open world experience

It's a pretty good and comfy game if you play it on PC.
The Switch version is garbo.

While OP is a tremendous fucking faggot, I don't think anyone who is praising BotW is doing so for the quests. The fun thing about BotW is how its world design invites to explore. You always see interesting landmarks in the distance, and while moving towards them you will always find yourself distracted by something else along the way.
The "go bring me ten wolf anuses" quests might aswell not exist, they aren't really part of the core gameplay.

now that even zelda died for good I can finally stop buying nintendo consoles and focus solely on my PC

thanks botw

>for example all the random encounters are not random at all
Did the game claim them to be "random"?
That being said, while the typical Bokoblin mobs are static, there ARE random encounters as well, namely a few aggressive animal types, the Stalfos foes, and later on the Ninjas.

>the game has terrible lod transitions
Graphics whoring was pretty lame 10 years ago, and it's still just that. For a game running on what's essentially Wii 1.1, it looks absolutely gorgeous.

>wildlife literally runs into thin air *poof*
Is that even English?

>doesn't matter to me that botw was your first open world experience
It's cute whenever zoomies the half my age try to play the "higher than thou" game, whenever they run out of arguments.

those shrines are everywhere and that's what your eyes lock on as they shine

Fucking based, saved.
Thank you please keep making these. I live for BOTW hater tears.

I didn't even talk about shrines.

it don't make no sense for the disguised NPC to spawn in the same place over and over again, neither do the save me NPC scenarios repeating either
but let's pretend it's tiime travel to cope instead

the lod transition shit seems more like an engine/artist issue

wildlife literally just disappears into thin air all the time when you chase them

are you saying you're a 50 year old nintentoddler?

I just said that the shrines are what your eyes focus on when you look at where to go

>"Play RDR where every other cgaracter is a social justice divesity bait nigger and not this 'tranny,' shit."


>it don't make no sense for
Ever heard of this thing called "video games"?

>the lod transition shit seems more like an engine/artist issue
I honestly don't even know WHICH LOD stuff you're referring to, because to be perfectly, 100% honest, I'm one of the most autistic art-style analysts out there, and at no point did a thing like LOD bother me in BotW.

>wildlife literally just disappears into thin air all the time when you chase them
Yes, and? They also "poof" into ready to cook meat bits once killed.

>are you saying you're a 50 year old nintentoddler?
Lets just say that I've played more vidya than the entire Ps4 library consists of, throughout 4 decades so far.