The final 2...
The final 2
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They better make Zero's control scheme normal.
Starfox can eat shit, but XCX needs a port because I need to see what the fanboys keep going on about
I heard Starfox zero was terrible
You can just port like half of Zero.
Honestly so long as you don't port the stealth missions we're fine. Sector Omega was a worse Area 6 (still cool though).
In my head, the forest level is the biggest standout. It screams Star Fox 64 the most.
then it would just be star fox 64
no point
top is okay. worst xb game but pretty ambitious nonetheless
bottom is a mediocre retread of the short 64.
neither are actually worthwhile
id sooner get fatal Frame v
it's just kind of a cool game
The plot is ass and the combat is pretty unbalanced, mech combat is a joke. The main appeal is just running around the world and looking at how fucking cool it is.
God I wish ...I wish post kojima Konami gets burned to the ground and goes bankrupt, fuck this Yakuza controlled Pachinko Company