The final 2

it's a pretty open world but everything else sucks

Star Fox Zero is unfinished garbage though. There's a vehicle in the training section that's literally nowhere else in the game because they were abandoning the Wii U as fast as possible.

Attached: 1562422163479.jpg (1306x2017, 321.62K)

Attached: yoshi_s_woolly_world_switch_cover_by_alex13art_dc9ilqw-fullview.png (400x648, 646.16K)

Replace Zero with Nintendo Land

It was

It wouldn't be the same.

Attached: Nintendo-Land-Wii-U.jpg (1049x1500, 312.55K)

And X2 kept all the negatives but removed the cool factor and made the exploration way worse. They had to oversell the coomer designs because it has nothing else going for it. I'd rather play XCX again since running around the world was way more fun and free.

Zero cannot be ported with the Gamepad scheme in mind
The Switch is a portable console primarily
inb4 just make a separate peripheral for it
Okay Einstein, lets take a game that bombed in a franchise that's struggling severely and force a peripheral increasing the cost to have a gimmick barely anyone liked to begin with

>no Nintendoland
>no rainbow curse
>no game and wario
What else is there?

>Zero cannot be ported with the Gamepad scheme in mind
The only thing you needed the gamepad itself for was the end part where there were invisible objects on the gamepad otherwise you could just ignore it completely.