The final 2

The final 2...

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They better make Zero's control scheme normal.

Starfox can eat shit, but XCX needs a port because I need to see what the fanboys keep going on about

I heard Starfox zero was terrible

You can just port like half of Zero.
Honestly so long as you don't port the stealth missions we're fine. Sector Omega was a worse Area 6 (still cool though).
In my head, the forest level is the biggest standout. It screams Star Fox 64 the most.

then it would just be star fox 64

no point

top is okay. worst xb game but pretty ambitious nonetheless
bottom is a mediocre retread of the short 64.
neither are actually worthwhile
id sooner get fatal Frame v


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it's just kind of a cool game
The plot is ass and the combat is pretty unbalanced, mech combat is a joke. The main appeal is just running around the world and looking at how fucking cool it is.

God I wish ...I wish post kojima Konami gets burned to the ground and goes bankrupt, fuck this Yakuza controlled Pachinko Company

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it's a pretty open world but everything else sucks

Star Fox Zero is unfinished garbage though. There's a vehicle in the training section that's literally nowhere else in the game because they were abandoning the Wii U as fast as possible.

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Replace Zero with Nintendo Land

It was

It wouldn't be the same.

Attached: Nintendo-Land-Wii-U.jpg (1049x1500, 312.55K)

And X2 kept all the negatives but removed the cool factor and made the exploration way worse. They had to oversell the coomer designs because it has nothing else going for it. I'd rather play XCX again since running around the world was way more fun and free.

Zero cannot be ported with the Gamepad scheme in mind
The Switch is a portable console primarily
inb4 just make a separate peripheral for it
Okay Einstein, lets take a game that bombed in a franchise that's struggling severely and force a peripheral increasing the cost to have a gimmick barely anyone liked to begin with

>no Nintendoland
>no rainbow curse
>no game and wario
What else is there?

>Zero cannot be ported with the Gamepad scheme in mind
The only thing you needed the gamepad itself for was the end part where there were invisible objects on the gamepad otherwise you could just ignore it completely.

It's a shame, the gamepad really neutered the game. I gave it its fair shake and wasn't feeling it.
This is the level I was referring to btw. Fortuna is incredible and a show of what the game could have really been.

Also Kirby Goes to the Kilm.

>Bayo 2 but not 1

>just take out all the motion controls and gimmicks and port Zero!
People will care EVEN LESS for it. No one cares about railshooters, get it through your head.

You suck


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What about that KINO claymation Kirby game?

I want Game and Wario.

You can bet your fucking ass we're getting Twilight Princess and Wind Waker HD ports next year for Zelda's 35th anniversary.
We'll just be waiting to see if they'll be a combo pack, separate releases or a triple pack with Skyward Sword remastered

Isn't the aiming fucked on the tv screen and the gamepad was for precise shots?

Zero sucked and Xenoblade X should wait for next gen, that game would benefit from a proper graphical and power upgrade rather than a straight port.

I want it to be ported and play just like Star Fox 64, it'll be like Nintendo telling Shigeru Miyamoto a big fuck you.

I like the setting. They would need to tweak the grind and just overall really fucking questionable designs to the game. Just off the top of my head:
-Ability to cancel main or affinity missions
-Stop having level 20 quest objectives at the end of path full of level 40-60 mobs
-Skell combat needs tweaking
-Make adding party members less tedious

Many will say the story sucks, but I liked it.

I'd actually rebuy Star Fox Zero if it got ported to Switch. The game is basically Star Fox 64 remade but the weird-ass controls hold it back from being worthwhile.

>Skyward Sword remastered
That's getting its own special release like SM3DW that's for sure.

Oh and delete Tatsu completely.

I hope they uncensor XCX and give us back the boob slider

We're getting a WW/TP HD combo port pack, Skyward Sword remastered, and a BotW2 trailer with a release date for Zelda's 35th anniversary.
Bonus is some Nintendo Online shit with Zelda 1. Or they'll put Four Swords on it, though knowing Nintendo they'll find some way to fuck it up like not allowing co-op or some shit.
If this company still had soul we'd be seeing the Oracle games remade in the LA style but with no frame drops and movement not locked to 8 directions

Starfox Zero just needed multiplayer to be good, Gyro controls with independent flying controls were amazing, the AI dogfights were fun,I can only imagine if it was multiplayer.

I'd rather we get Star Fox GP instead.

I non ironically would buy it if they fixed the performance issues

X was trash and there's not even any coomer bait in it
Zero was trash because of those bloody awful controls and slow ass combat

I want like 4 remixes of Black Tar