Play runescape

play runescape

Attached: RS3.png (1917x1081, 3.82M)

Is Zig Forums scape still up and running? I'd play that.

Sure, but I play OSRS not RS3

I'd play osrs and join that shitty osg clanchat that /vg/ has going on.
Probably the only thing I can play/grind while having a job.

Yeah, it's on /vg/

that's for trash noobs

I've tried playing rs3 like a dozen times but it's completely incomprehensible nowadays

It's complex and bloated with system upon system. That's not a bad thing. The way to deal with it is to completely focus on one thing and not get distracted.

looks like crap, no thanks

It actually looks decent on ultra settings. And on mobile it looks like any other mobile game