Play runescape

It looks like a mobile game yes, that's exactly the problem with it

>runescape 3
yeah no thanks
i'll stick to osrs

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Any idea when the new League starts in OSRS? I didn't play Twisted League so I really want to get into this one.

>i'll stick to osrs
what's the point of playing the same game for 20 years? you should have a maxed out character by now, after that there's no point anymore

the point is that it's still an infinitely better game than rs3

It gets regular large updates user.

I was addicted to this like crack around 3 years ago

If I wanted a traditional MMO, I'd rather play WoW or FFXIV.
If I wanted to play a sandbox MMO like runescape, I'd rather play OSRS.

RS3 accomplishes literally nothing

how is it classic runescape when it's being updated?

>RS3 accomplishes literally nothing
It accomplishes being better and more complex. Much like chess vs checkers.