Play runescape

play runescape

Attached: RS3.png (1917x1081, 3.82M)

Is Zig Forums scape still up and running? I'd play that.

Sure, but I play OSRS not RS3

I'd play osrs and join that shitty osg clanchat that /vg/ has going on.
Probably the only thing I can play/grind while having a job.

Yeah, it's on /vg/

that's for trash noobs

I've tried playing rs3 like a dozen times but it's completely incomprehensible nowadays

It's complex and bloated with system upon system. That's not a bad thing. The way to deal with it is to completely focus on one thing and not get distracted.

looks like crap, no thanks

It actually looks decent on ultra settings. And on mobile it looks like any other mobile game

It looks like a mobile game yes, that's exactly the problem with it

>runescape 3
yeah no thanks
i'll stick to osrs

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Any idea when the new League starts in OSRS? I didn't play Twisted League so I really want to get into this one.

>i'll stick to osrs
what's the point of playing the same game for 20 years? you should have a maxed out character by now, after that there's no point anymore

the point is that it's still an infinitely better game than rs3

It gets regular large updates user.

I was addicted to this like crack around 3 years ago

If I wanted a traditional MMO, I'd rather play WoW or FFXIV.
If I wanted to play a sandbox MMO like runescape, I'd rather play OSRS.

RS3 accomplishes literally nothing

how is it classic runescape when it's being updated?

>RS3 accomplishes literally nothing
It accomplishes being better and more complex. Much like chess vs checkers.

It's not classic, it's old school. From the very beginning it's been about updating the game while keeping the feeling, style and gameplay from the 2007era.

It doesn't keep the feeling or gameplay of '07. No one in '07 was prayer flicking like a madman or 1 tick swapping 15 pieces of gear.

You do own a partyhat, right Zig Forums?

Attached: Untitled.png (1243x929, 2.01M)

Everyone and their mother owns a party hat now. They hand them out like candy.

>Much like chess vs checkers.
More like original board games vs miniature knock-offs.

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as in RS3 is the cheap knockoff.

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how is it a cheap knockoff when it has progressed beyond the original game?

it's like comparing a jet to a bi-plane

Progress doesn't mean improvement, especially when the core product is worse and less popular than previous iterations. RS3 isn't a jet. It's a broken down car that won't start sitting in the front yard that American Ricers dump exorbitant amounts of money and time into for a shitty product.

Attached: rs3 player tracker.png (1654x571, 145.86K)

all this proves is that there is are lots of nostalgiafags

RS3 maintained a higher player count for three(3) years since OSRS' launch. Even before osrs mobile came out, people began to prefer osrs because rs3 is an inferior product.

you dont have to prove anything here. play your game and i'll play my game

>They hand them out like candy.
Only in the knockoff private server version of the game(osrs).