"I'd rather flood my kingdom and doom the inhabitants of the great sea forever than let a dirty Arab like you rule it!"

>"I'd rather flood my kingdom and doom the inhabitants of the great sea forever than let a dirty Arab like you rule it!"
Why was the king such a selfish, petty, racist piece of shit?

Attached: ganondorf and king triforce wind waker.png (1280x720, 568.45K)

The Great Sea seemed to be doing fine, Hyrule sure would've been a nicer place to live in, but not with Ganondorf in charge, you've seen what happens in OoT.

is this real screen?
it lioterally looks like some garbage from 2004

>The Great Sea seemed to be doing fine
They yield no fish to catch, and everyone is separated on tiny islands. Doesn't sound very ideal. They are oppressed.
> but not with Ganondorf in charge, you've seen what happens in OoT.
Looks perfectly fine to me, he even got rid of the endless stalchildren that spawn at night.

Attached: ocarina of time hyrule field.jpg (1280x720, 281.86K)

Islanders are all very happy, nobody but King and Ganondorf wanted Hyrule back

i'm sure the ooga boogas in the real world who has no contact with the modern world is "happy" too. they don't know they're oppressed either.

They let ONE darkie into Castle Town and look what happened! LOOK WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED!

Attached: market-2.jpg (400x240, 35.26K)

He knelt for the king and showed his respect. What's your point? The king probably called him a shitskin, so what Ganondorf did was justified.

Attached: ganondorf kneeling for black lives matter.gif (500x206, 497.62K)

are you retarded all the time or just today?

Because he’s evil?