I'm really hoping something like the following:
>botw 2 trailer shows ganondorf with a hand gripping his heart
>he's in a pose that makes it look like he might have even done it to himself
>purest calamity (demise's curse) is flowing around hyrule, embodies itself in a ganondorf-like form before becoming pure malice ganon, is destroyed
>ganondorf is now free of demise's curse and the endless loop
>this also makes him mortal
>and more dangerous than ever
"I'd rather flood my kingdom and doom the inhabitants of the great sea forever than let a dirty Arab like you rule it!"
Evan Long
Hunter Perez
What I’m expecting and kinda hoping for: The Calamity that was destroyed in BotW was just some that leaked out from the source over time. Something else was supposed to be done to seal it away permanently or destroy it, but the instructions was lost over the 10,000 years. I’m hoping the mural about the ancient hero is actually a hint about the truth, how it wasn’t Link, but a self-sacrificing Ganondorf entrusting the future generations to find a way to end the curse.
Colton Lopez
It's actually some garbage from 2002
Jacob Barnes