I liked Furi. Did you? Which was your favorite song? I'm privy to this one:

I liked Furi. Did you? Which was your favorite song? I'm privy to this one: youtube.com/watch?v=XXZlbioMoyc

Attached: Furi.jpg (616x353, 86.73K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Furi is a fantastic game, I haven't done the DLC yet but I look forward to doing that in the future. My favourite song track is

It's very hard to settle on one.

You are the end, mostly for the context of the song. Makes the name of it super good.

Unironically one of the best action games ever made
Best music and best boss fight

oh shit this game man,

I played it non stop when it came out on ps4 for a year, actualy made it to the top 20 leadeboard. I still replay it from time to time and my muscle memory doesn't fail me at ALL. Definetly on my top 10 favorite games of all time.

I'd fucking kill for a sequel, but the game bakers opted to do shitty rpgs. shame.

Also fav. track : youtube.com/watch?v=2PzP7REU2o0

I've played Furi's ost at parties and normies always think it's fucking rad, then I go to explain the mechanics of Furi to them, I've gotten like 15 people to play it

Waveshaper's "A Monster" plays near the end of the game, and is a remix of the Frankenstein theme song, the MC kills the girl like the monster did in Frankenstein, and its snowing like at the end of the book

>SJW french dev whose new game is about a brown man and white womans romantic adventure
Hard pass family.

I pity you not being able to enjoy a good game

I don't think a sequel to Furi would be interesting but another action game would be great.
My friend watched me play it for a few minutes and bought it himself. Was interesting watching someone else fall in love with it and see how their experience differed.

Love is love, user. You'll experience it one day :)

>is a remix of the Frankenstein theme song, the MC kills the girl like the monster did in Frankenstein, and its snowing like at the end of the book
I'd love it if that were true. I really need to watch the dev documentaries on their channel.

Holy shit they’re making a new game?
Looks cool as hell. Thanks for telling me bro, never would’ve found this out without you :)

It's one of those games that managed to get me into "the zone" really often. The kind you get your ass kicked and immediatly retry without breaking focus.

Such a good game.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrm_kb1d-Xc

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Not a fan of the concept but I dig the visuals and music a lot, and FURI was good, so I'll give it a shot.


You can only reply to this post if you beat The Burst pre-nerf.

>the game bakers opted to do shitty rpgs
They'll make a sequel/spiritual successor once Haven underperforms

So easy to get kneejerk contrarian responses to help further the agenda.

When was she nerfed?

Those post wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. The thread was about FURI, not Haven.
You covered yourself in bbq sauce and jumped into the lion's cage

I thought she was easier on my second playthrough (years later) how hard did she get nerfed?

What agenda? How is Furi political?

Wow, i have a lot of power.

Yeah, the power to get a bunch of replies on an anonymous image board.
Congratulations on being a tall shit in the sewer

great game
it was my GOTY

Attached: Capture.jpg (442x177, 13.03K)

forgot my song

Attached: Best Boss.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>tfw Furier mode has become too easy
I'd kill for an extra difficulty setting, maybe something crazy like you die in one hit

It's great. Pure boss rushes are hard to come by, not just these days but in general.

The agenda of the game bakers founder Audrey Leprince to bring more women and people from marginalized backgrounds into gaming development.
Thank you for your continued support.

More power to them if they make more games like Furi

>tfw I can one shot The Edge's first 2 phases
Feels awesome and is in character desu.

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I got my ass destroyed by The Burst many times.

I managed to get into the last section after surviving the bullet hell with 3 HP left. This part of the song kicks in. I can read all of her moves now. Parry and regen like a madman. Defeating a boss rarely feels this good.

Attached: tumblr_ox0fl3EQkt1sdffh4o1_1280.png (1280x878, 579.67K)

What the fuck are you even talking about dumbass, you need to get out of that basement for once.

I know it's the point but the part I hate about the burst is when you have to find the dark coloured wall in a darkened arena to avoid the instant kill shot. I struggle to see it even with contrast turned up.

What I’ve always wanted from these kind of games some some kind of EX mode for the bosses like Guilty Gear or Kirby has; a mode where their movesets are either expanded or changed up enough to trip up veterans.

I agree, I love the Burst but that's a bit of a bad design there.

>I managed to get into the last section after surviving the bullet hell with 3 HP left.
feels good

Attached: MFW 1 HP.webm (746x420, 2.67M)

>heard that no straight roads is like furi
>instantly prick my ears up
>turns out it's nowhere near as good

>on a scale of 1-10 she's an eleven, and she'd give herself a twelve
god I love that line

If someone hates Furi or Revengeance than they hate fun vidya.
Edge > Bernard > Burst (post sniper phases) > Chain > Line > Scale > Hand > Strap > Star > Song > Beat > Flame > Burst (sniper phases)

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