I liked Furi. Did you? Which was your favorite song? I'm privy to this one:

I liked Furi. Did you? Which was your favorite song? I'm privy to this one: youtube.com/watch?v=XXZlbioMoyc

Attached: Furi.jpg (616x353, 86.73K)

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Furi is a fantastic game, I haven't done the DLC yet but I look forward to doing that in the future. My favourite song track is

It's very hard to settle on one.

You are the end, mostly for the context of the song. Makes the name of it super good.

Unironically one of the best action games ever made
Best music and best boss fight

oh shit this game man,

I played it non stop when it came out on ps4 for a year, actualy made it to the top 20 leadeboard. I still replay it from time to time and my muscle memory doesn't fail me at ALL. Definetly on my top 10 favorite games of all time.

I'd fucking kill for a sequel, but the game bakers opted to do shitty rpgs. shame.

Also fav. track : youtube.com/watch?v=2PzP7REU2o0

I've played Furi's ost at parties and normies always think it's fucking rad, then I go to explain the mechanics of Furi to them, I've gotten like 15 people to play it

Waveshaper's "A Monster" plays near the end of the game, and is a remix of the Frankenstein theme song, the MC kills the girl like the monster did in Frankenstein, and its snowing like at the end of the book

>SJW french dev whose new game is about a brown man and white womans romantic adventure
Hard pass family.

I pity you not being able to enjoy a good game

I don't think a sequel to Furi would be interesting but another action game would be great.
My friend watched me play it for a few minutes and bought it himself. Was interesting watching someone else fall in love with it and see how their experience differed.

Love is love, user. You'll experience it one day :)

>is a remix of the Frankenstein theme song, the MC kills the girl like the monster did in Frankenstein, and its snowing like at the end of the book
I'd love it if that were true. I really need to watch the dev documentaries on their channel.