I liked Furi. Did you? Which was your favorite song? I'm privy to this one:

Holy shit they’re making a new game?
Looks cool as hell. Thanks for telling me bro, never would’ve found this out without you :)

It's one of those games that managed to get me into "the zone" really often. The kind you get your ass kicked and immediatly retry without breaking focus.

Such a good game.youtube.com/watch?v=Yrm_kb1d-Xc

Attached: 1504882241902.jpg (347x384, 13.21K)

Not a fan of the concept but I dig the visuals and music a lot, and FURI was good, so I'll give it a shot.


You can only reply to this post if you beat The Burst pre-nerf.

>the game bakers opted to do shitty rpgs
They'll make a sequel/spiritual successor once Haven underperforms

So easy to get kneejerk contrarian responses to help further the agenda.

When was she nerfed?

Those post wouldn't exist if it wasn't for you. The thread was about FURI, not Haven.
You covered yourself in bbq sauce and jumped into the lion's cage

I thought she was easier on my second playthrough (years later) how hard did she get nerfed?

What agenda? How is Furi political?