Why can't nintendo least have them kiss?
Why can't nintendo least have them kiss?
kissing is illegal in japanese culture
when was the last time you saw a couple kiss in any weeb game? yeah thats what i thought
Horse pussy.
Rean kisses Alisa in cold steel 2 which btfo self insert waifs fags because he doesn’t kiss anyone else.
I don't think Link would kiss a horse
I want to cum inside Epona's semen absorber ball drainer HORSE PUSSY
Gotta massage those crotchtits
japanese really are opposed to showing affection I hate people touchy feely people as much as anyone but japanese won't even hug their family after being away for a decade
It would be rather inappropriate to show link kissing his horse.
Peach kisses Mario every time he rescues her.
Yet they don't shy away from showing underage girls in skimpy clothes
Japaneses are sick, unironically not much better than chinks
Drawings arent people
You are the sick one
>loyal to link across generations
never any love for best girl
she uses him as her personal simp for all time. she only really likes him in SS and BotW
She can't
it's not like any other girl is even cured to reincarnate like her and link.
that game is literally illegal in japan. educate yourself
Imagine being Link and getting trapped between a wall and Epona's behind
Link's horse should be a centaur in the next game.
Confirmed for not playing the games.
Link and Zelda have most certainly shared a kiss before.
Or did you get filtered by Adventure of Link like all of the other fake geeks?
>nintendo introducing such a bog-standard fantasy race as straight-up centaurs into zelda
fairies are the only bog standard fantasy race in zelda. they'd be more likely to anthropomorphize links boat or train from the adult timeline than to fuck with epona.
they'd be more likely to make his next mount be a giantess Rito girl.
you know what aren't centaurs in BotW? what a shitty game to add to the canon.
How about a kiss, for luck?
like this?
>Everydays I'm fapping on drawing of guys fucking each others
>But I'm not gay because they're not real
Kys pedo
If drawings aren't people then why can't Link and Zelda kiss?
Link is an asexual enby
>he didn't play chulip
They knew BotW was shit
Baste taste
Yes I do it and you can't do nothing about it
U maddd lmaoo
Link knows what's up. Wish I had a horse GF like him.