We all know that normalfags ruined gaming. What do you think needs to happen to get rid of almost all normalfags from gaming?
We all know that normalfags ruined gaming...
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nuke every major city
anarchists cookbook
do you think im on the fbi watchlist now bros?
There's nothing we can do short of making video games illegal for a couple decades and waiting for them to stop caring.
Erase everything related to western games.
Nothing, the only thing you can do is play vidya that's so niche neurotypicals can't get into.
sony bankrupt
Get developers to stop bending over backwards in order to pander to the majority. That'll never happen though because investors are the ones with actual power and pandering is what they want first and foremost.
>complains about normalfags
>posts persoyyyna
You'd need a sustained failure of an entire generation of hardware + a popular game/app on mobile that fucking makes the battery detonate at random.
>popular game/app on mobile that fucking makes the battery detonate at random
I do like the sound of that, is this possible?
Why can't we have nice things?
the most you could do is maybe burn out the cpu's.
you can do anything, if you believe in yourself
More gatekeeping
More lolis
Avoiding Californian studios
>FAGGOT: “Hey dev, remove x from game”
>DEV: “No.”
get rid of intellectual property/copyright. destroy the mass middle market.
Return t to being high culture for the rich/those who support patreons and folk culture of varying quality.
destroy the post-industrial middle class with UBI, breaking up the regulatory state, close immigration, break financialization, break NIMBY and moving to a more georgist-type land value tax. basically free the people
a better world is possible, anons
Anything? Really?
retard alert
Every single non-normalfaggot needs to up the racism and sexism without engaging in some pointless argument
>being anti-ubi
the choices are either UBI or some absurdly complicated, heavily managed welfare system that spies on people/provides jobs for social workers.
the free market has been done for a while.
Not possible, trannyjannies are a thing and they're all against racism and sexism. They also do it for free.
Actually, the solution is no welfare at all.
Why work when you get 12 grand a year sitting on your fat ass doing nothing?
I've noticed that. What the fuck happened
Huge industry market crash so that corporations aren't incentivized to make these huge-budget AAA games with all style and no substance.
For real, talk to a normalfag and they admit they won't play shit if it isn't state of the art graphics by modern standards, or it's a phone game or nintentoddler animal crossing thing.
I'd like to see more lower-budget games, or at least games like Persona where the budget isn't allocated entirely to the graphics, but instead to mechanical depth. I got locked into the final dungeon, and was looking through my memos and noticed that there was a mechanic for buying books in Shibuya. Meanwhile, FF7R is all "go forward, fight three guys, watch cutscene, repeat."
>For real, talk to a normalfag
>For real
Normalfags and no gate keeping.
Find them and finger pop their assholes into submission
that's not going to work and you know it
>supporting business when business is the main force behind diversity and wokeness
i don't think anything can be done.
I never said I supported businesses, I said you should work for your share, not get free money for no reason.
If you work hard, you deserve to get paid good.
If you sit on your fat ass all day, you deserve to go homeless.
It will happen on its own. The mainstream will be split off more and more from the undercurrent of innovation and quality. The normalfag will never acknowledge this occurring and meanwhile everyone with an actual interest in the hobby in question will naturally find themselves in good company again.
Film has been there. Music has been there. It never lasts.
make a game normal people won't touch
i know how, but im not telling you fucks
you will play my game and either enjoy it, or "hate it" because it's too sexy.
>get rid of the cinematic movieshit (Xenogears, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Uncharted, Dragon Quest, etc)
>get rid of the casual games (Farmville, Animal Crossing)
>get rid of the yearly rehashes (Fifa and Madden)
>ban any game whose sole purpose is to make profit
>only passion projects are allowed
Boom, industry saved.
Yes, campaigning to expel 95% of the gaming populace will work out in your favor. Idiot.
>ban for-profit games
Might as well ban every game since they're a waste of time.
ok anglo
Lolis in every game. They are normalfag kryptonite.
Despite what the AAA studios tell you, making good games is not THAT expensive.
So you're saying you're a lazy sack of shit who wants to get free money without working?
Hell, living homeless is too good for people, imo
Free food and water, shelter even if you're good enough
make THE perfect video game.
and then release it for free.
give me 10 years or so.
Imagine being against quality living for no reason other than that you can't have it.
I'm against quality living for people who don't deserve it, but it seems you're too stupid to know that.
More like 90 years if that's your goal since they'd need to be dead.
Until then they're alive with childhood memories of playing them.