Why does /vr/ have better taste than us?
Why does /vr/ have better taste than us?
>one good game
They actually like games instead of just shitposting about them.
Cope more
There's literally no argument for Metroid being better than Zero Mission
why do you keep making these threads
>Cries his shit favorite game isn't on there
>Nnno your seething
Find your own taste, loser.
Most people don't dare to put newer games above old games despite a lot of them being better, example of this was when they asked some Japanese devs their top 3 best games of all time and a lot of them said the first Super Mario Bros. despite almost every Mario Bros after it being better
Every single western game after 2005 is complete & objectively horrible. Same with 90% of AAA japanese games the last decade, Nintendo has been garbage since the Wii & Sony only ever made one relevant game (SOTC)
Good, Great, Great, Good
Trash, Great, Great, Great
Great, Trash, Trash, Great
Could have been better
>despite them being better
in what way champ
That would be your opinion because despite starting to play games since NES I find current modern day games more enjoyable than most old games
T.Obese Incel Pedophile
This. Always makes me laugh. Then you ask them why they're playing the latest AAA release over those old games if they're so much better and they go silent.
Love how they can't respond, Graphics, Overworld & Cinematics have no relevance to quality. If a game has good graphics it's always guarenteed to be awful
>despite a lot of them being better
LMAO this cumsoomer COPE
There weren't as many good games back then. Everybody's top ten from back then is pretty similar.
Because old games are better by definition since they were made before games went viral and became a business.
COPE Zoomer
>half life 2
>a bunch of overrated redditcore games
Man /vr/ has shit taste.
>"No good game has been made in 15 years"
Its hard to take a man seriously when he says something as retarded as this. Your desire to stand out as some sort of expert/classic game connoisseur honestly just makes you look like a disgruntled boomer. There have been many great games recently but I'm not going to waste my breathe naming them as I can tell you're not interested in changing your mind. Honestly you're the type of old person I hope never to become; a gate-keeping faggot trying to deny younger people any fun.
>Graphics, Overworld & Cinematics have no relevance to quality.
Yes they do. Graphics in particular are literally the difference between me and many, many other people playing a game and not playing it.
I wouldn't give up Dark Souls or Resident Evil 7 VR for any of those games except maybe the Metroids since for whatever reason copying their atmosphere and gameplay has proved impossible.
i always see people shitting on it, what makes it your favorite over other resident evil games?
>Zig Forums could be anybody. Anybody has better taste than me!
>There have been many great games recently
Pic obviously unrelated. Besides, it's not that you don't want to waste your breath, it's that those games don't exist to begin with. The industry died in 2005 and you can't dispute it. Sure the industry techinically exists but it's a fucking joke now, and you have to deliberately lower your standards to even stomach a modern game. The Xbox 360 was a mistake.
it's a straight overblown action title in a series everyone wants their slow burn horror. No big mystery. It took me a long ass time to warm up to it too being that I always did like the og re2. You ever get around that though the game's movement mechanics are superb with how you're able to dodge, slide and roll around. It all flows really well into each other.
They based
This is literally what Zig Forums was all about years ago but children who played shitty games trough out their childhoods grew up and have terrible taste in vidya and worst of all, want to shitpost here so fuck it fuck you all
Pretty decent list t b h