If you think Galaxy 1 is better than 2...

If you think Galaxy 1 is better than 2, that proves you're a fake gamer and Mario fan because you value atmosphere and story over gameplay and game design. Galaxy 2 is uniformly a better designed game with more varied and challenging levels.

Attached: Galaxies.png (1515x1014, 557.9K)

>you're a fake gamer if your preferences in video games are reasonably different than mine

he's right though

>liking one half of the same game

>soul vs soulless

>story and atmosphere in Mario
>"reasonably different"

Attached: Doc.png (315x435, 179.41K)

listen kiddies, nobody cares which galaxy is better

Mario 64 is the only 3d mario game that matters


>Super Mario Galaxy was an original step for the franchise and felt like an actual space adventure every step of the way
>Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a superb level pack devoid of story and atmosphere
I'd rather have 80% gameplay perfection and 100% tone then 99% gameplay perfection but 0% tone
Even Super Mario 64 has a more consistent atmosphere than 2 and that game is predominately weird art assets cobbled together

False. The spicy fruit that makes you run fast is awful and overused completely in 2. Yoshi is a pain in the ass to utilize and that should never be the case. Instead of seemless hub world jumping to levels you have lackluster level select in 2. All ideas in 2 are reused or expanded upon from the first which was completely original. Also red and black suit Mario free roam is such a comfy reward.