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Video Games
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Video Games #5237
Video Games
What are you most looking foward to in this one? How do you think the core gameplay or features could be improve?
So according to him, OOT sucks, MM is impossible, WW sucks, and SS is the worst thing ever
New Sonic Games and New Sonic Character for Sonic 30th Anniversary it's now happening
This gameplay is brought to you by Amazon's The Boys
Who did it better?
Necromunda underhive wars
Fuck Sunshine and Galaxy, when are we gonna get these games ported to a current gen console?
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't want Scorpion or Sub Zero in Smash
Layton/Puzzle Thread
13 years
Why do people swear by Ryzen? is it because it's cheaper and they don't care about the 15-20fps difference from intel?
But before we talk about the game, here's an add for NORD VPN
Bros, what went wrong... with us?
What am I in for?
*btfos Nintendo's $60 collection for $0*
Pack.png found
Never the game
Replay old game
What triggered your imagination and sense of wonder as a kid? For me it was the title screen for Zelda 2...
I know fanboyism is a thing in invery gaming communities. But what about star citizen drones?
IRL Vidya
One Play Station 5 please
Build a gaming PC
RPCS3 is based
Explain the appeal of VN's to me. They're barely even videogames
Do you think that Nintendo’s shitty business practices are acceptable because it’s Mario?
How much has this whole App Store stunt cost Tim?
What’s the best DLC that’s ever been made for a game?
Should Master Chief have a personality?
Why has this upset people so much?
Post dem blue characters
Either there isnt enough enemies to buy shit on the 1st level or all the items are garbo
Zig Forums plays jackbox
King k. Rool
Why is Ann from Persona 5 such a fucking idiot moo moo cow bitch that I love? Why is she such a dumb whore wife?
Meanwhile, at the Zig Forums Karaoke
Serious discussion time
What went wrong
I never thought
The eterrnal debate
Ok who did this?
Should I get Nier Automata or MGS5?
he got filtered by the remake
$60 dollars for a remaster that removes content (Dante) behind DLC
Post some vidya OST that fucking SLAPS
ITT: Bad games Zig Forums tricked you into playing
Picking 9.2 tiddyflops PS5 or 20 tiddyflops rtx3070?
Cyberpunk 2077 Microtransactions
Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread
Are there any games that let you just lower the difficulty at any time if the game is too hard?
Comfy Tony Hawk Thread
Not a single good vidya this year
Ahhh the eternal conundrum
Games where this is true
Building an Ampere PC soon (hopefully). Is the ANY reason to go Intel over Zen 3?
How do we fix Tomb Raider?
Lucina is for:
90s renders
Fact: Any game that tries to have realistic graphics or a huge open world is dogshit
ITT: Fuck you I liked it
Epic Games Says Daily Active Users Have Dropped 60%
Worth it?
Why do Nintendo fans hate emulation so much?
New Joycon Patent
Why did they whitewash zelda?
What are your hopes and fears for Overwatch 2?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
Ninja Gaiden
This is Yu-and-me
Dad walks in moments in gaming
Who're the best/worst party memebers?
Hey Zig Forums! it's me! matpat the game theorist!
Worms Armageddon
What's your favourite type of mecha?
Guys this game is great! Picked up the trilogy on Switch the other week. Started today and I can't put it down...
Next year bros
Are you using gamepass? Are you happy with it? How much are you paying?
Flash vs sonic Death Battle
They're all underrated, literally
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand its dead on arrival
This game blows
That'll be $1,500 prus tip, gaijin
This is the chinese gacha thread
I've just realized there's absolutely nothing interesting coming out till the end of the year except maybe Cyberpunk
Spark The Electric Jester 3
"official" translation adds memes and pop culture references
Outsell every game released this year
The fourth and fifth trials
Deathsmiles II is coming to PC
Webm thread
Can we talk about Nvidia deliberately stifling and ruining PC gaming?
Want to play a clean Pro run where I use the Matilda as my main handgun
Finally playing this, and... does the game WANT her to be the cannon waifu...
How is this power armor? It's just spandex with some plastic bits over top
I don't like games. You're robbing the precious time of children to be children...
Metal Gear Solid V
When this game started, I thought it was really kino until near-late game...
Should sprays be limited to premade images approved by the developers...
Why is this game so fun?
Top 10 video game albums list do you agree
Dead or Alive went to hell as soon as it dropped Tina from the roster
Uh oh.. user it's that time again
Would you buy a Zelda if Link was a girl
Graphics are back on the menu, boys
How is gaming culture in your country Zig Forums?
Things that make you say pic related?
Hey you. Yes YOU
Does he break continuity?
What, exactly, makes this such a memorable scene? Despite having not played the WC3 campaign in some time...
Play fighting games
Why didn't you Zig Forumstards ever own the best handheld system of all time?
You're voting with you wallet. If you buy this you're just encouraging more of this behaviour
Should I stop writing game reviews?
Naruto Fighter Z When?
Just skipping to the combat because these “leaks” I’ve been reading are all over whelming fake...
Indie game
2 months from launch
How Do You Go From this
Big Navi
Zig Forums defends this
Zig Forums The Musical 8 starts in a week... and 1 day. That's like a week, right? Anyways, hype thread...
Do you want a byleth GF?
She has bacon for hands
Teen Millennials will be discovering Super Mario 64 for the first time
Why do we hate ion fury again ?
Is it vaporware?
What do you think of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 cinematography?
Why arent there any significant women esports players or teams...
Are there any games worth playing for PSP? Seems to be absolutely full of weeb trash and very little else
What makes a good horror game?
Overrated trash people pretend to like
I don't get it. Why is there such a huge score difference? DS is basically RE4, but better
It's another live service game instead of a proper port
What are you looking for again? Like... Chaos Emeralds? Yeah, we uh... we uh... don't have those here in Quahog
Is there ever a reason to pick this fucking thing...
This guy made a game. What is your excuse?
FLUDD controls are extremely awkward
Bye bye!
What's the most meta game in the world
4Axel isn't shit anymore
Comfy Linux Gaming Thread
Zelda CDi Reanimated
Why did people not like burnout revenge again?
You bought her game, right?
Press F to pay respects
Seriously though
We need more fps dark fantasy games
Over a year of no info, no trailers, no gameplay
I picked Aoi
Is this the end of the single player era?
CPU upgrade worth it?
Your thoughts on him?
Resident Evil Village - PS5 - Xbox Series X - PC
Nintendo Officially Named The Richest Company In Japan
Do people actually make friends in online games anymore? or have voice channels ruined this completely...
Post your hopes and speculation on Persona 6
Jannies are now deleting cyberpunk threads
Shenmue Anime
World of Warcraft
Post your screenshots Zig Forums
He DOESN'T think Sonic 3 is the best
Drink one beer in a video game
Games like this from 2010-2020?
Prologue says the protagonist is the last hope for his country
*smacks right trigger*
How do we cope now?
So with the Mario collection being direct upscaled ports of the original games...
Nomura just confirmed that the next Kingdom Hearts game is in development and said that he's planning something big for...
What would a game in the Firefly universe be like?
Playing VRChat
Black Ops Cold War gameplay gets leaked and it looks like shit
What games would you like to see on steam?
I would rather Retro make a new Donkey Kong than Metroid Prime 4
Having so much fun
2 > 1 > 3 > Pre Sequel
How would you save zelda franchise?
Any good delinquent games?
Do you like misty?
Yes, Bloodborne is my favourite game, how do you know?
Yeah I’m totally 18
Since Illusion started hiring for another anime style game, what do you want to see in Koikatsu 2?
Why nips cant make appealing butts?
Mario 3D All Stars ALREADY Amazon's 2nd best selling game of 2020
What is the most retarded opinion you ever heard on Zig Forums?
Fuck you, I liked her. Only genuinely good part of this shit game
Why do you act tough when you win a video game?
Use key
What are the worst portrait redesigns/redraws in vidya?
Nintendo what the fuck
West can't make cute gir-
How can so many say that Serious Sam 4 looks dated while looking like this?
FFXIV Shadowbringers
How new gamers will react to this disgrace?
Gameplay loop
Makes u thonk
Game begins as a weak 8/10
What games let me play as a cute tomboy?
Who was in the wrong here
What differentiates a good fight from a bad one?
You'll do it, right ?
Are we still pretending this wasn't a great game?
Game genre is bad people still demand more
Oh yeah, that happened
Why is that?
Lobotomy Corp
Is this worth a buy? I like the art style. I'm gonna pay 5 bux for it
What is Zig Forums's opinion on /u/ contents in vidya?
Les than one month
Why is this allowed?
How wil they ruin Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7-II Part 2?
What are the arguments for this being the best souls game?
Are you planning to upgrade your gpu, Zig Forums?
Steam Profile Thread
Fuck you, it's fun
Wtf guys you told me west's game girls were shit
Hey Kaneki. If human society is so great, then why haven't they made a Tokyo Ghoul videogame?
What are your thoughts on skyward sword, Zig Forums?
Post you're chartoons
According to science, it takes 10.000 to achieve near complete mastery in a craft, art or talent
Retroid pocket 2
Why are nintendo youtubers like this? Are they simply not self aware or all the sóy memes have yet to reach them?
Launch CSGO for the first time
/vr/ now considering 6th gen as retro
What a time to be alive!
Game that you were waiting never came out
What's your favorite type of digimon?
Fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks fuck chinks
What am I in for?
Mario 3D All Stars
Post your top 5 games of all time
Are you upgrading to new gen GPU?
3x3 Thread
Be afraid, Mario
Based Atlus
Why the fuck is everything in this game so pretentious...
I can't get past stage 5
Kingdoms of Amalur
Release when???
Action Taimanin
I liked it at first, but the fandom ruined it for me
You gonna main the New Republic or Imperial Remnant?
*saves PC gaming*
Better than almost all actual horror games
How do we bring back weegee posting?
So this is peak horror for zoomies
Why do game developers love them so much?
Turns his son into a program and forces him to be a virtual assistant of his brother
No Straight road... To my ass :)
Why is this allowed?
Recommend me some games with brown characters (female)
Thoughts on Suzuhara Lulu?
Here's your game back bro
Unironically, fully and truly, WHY was this ALLOWED?
This is a major roundabout in a overpopulated, futuristic dystopian metropolis
Name one good game
40 years old
Don't tell me that is you?
Games that everyone loves except you. Pic related
Why does MGS2 and MGS3 have better graphics than modern games of 2010-2020?
How to make a comfy gaming room?
Mass effect 3 being bad is a meme, this was kino
YLYL Thread
I'm glad at least we can all agree on Futaba being worst girl
Danganronpa V3 pisses me the fuck off
Streets of Rage 4 thread
I just beat the game and i have basically zero idea what it was about...
3D World+
The worse game is much more popular
Here's your Avengers game, son
C to crouch
What's the best Monster Hunter game and why is it 4U?
Pop'n Music is coming to PC. Thoughts?
What's the point of making certain bosses extremely easy to beat?
Killing bad
ITT games you're happy you didn't pay for
Tfw the chink gatcha genshin is unironically my goty and the game i look forward most
Piss boss
NSR - Awesome game
It's hegelian dialectics you stupid fucking retard
Walk into GameStop
What was THE greatest video game of the early 2000's?
Is this a video game?
Man this game is ASS why did people think this game was good?
There's your Prophet, peace be upon him, bro
ITT: post
Cyberpunk 2077 Microtransactions
Release broken, unfinished with none of the content promised
Mario 3D All-Stars
What is v's opinion on FEET??
Trolls in online gaming
I am a monument to all your sins
What was the last time you seen an attractive female in Western games?
VtuberChad thread fuck j*nny tr*nnies, fuck antis
Why MHW: Iceborne is the best Monster Hunter game?
I did Zig Forums. I finally fucking did it
Why are consoles one big circus while PC just gets down to business?
Eekum bokum
The only reason why Venom told Liquid to be something other than a soldier and didn't use child soldiers
An in-depth exoneration of Chris Avellone
The absolute state of Fall Guys
Do asian people generally make better games than white people?
Game gets cancelled after years of development despite being really promising and had a ton of positive feedback from...
Animal Crossing and Mario 3D collection are the #1 and #2 best seling game of the year
God, Ghost of Tsushima is beautiful. It's not even about having the best textures or the most polygons or whatever...
What are some genuinely good western boss fights? why are the Japanese so much better at it?
What am I in for?
Game is a fucking mess and terrible
VtuberChad thread fuck j*nny tr*nnies, fuck antis
Dark Souls III
ITT post God-tier western ero games
Snake, your mission is to reach page 10 & escape Shadow Zig Forumsoses!
Cold Steel 3
Is this happening on anyone elses Switch?
Why did griefing die?
Game has "THAT" in it
What is the point of Zig Forums now?
User, you still remember me, right?
Why don't you finish your games, user?
When will he announce fallout 5?
Yes, little Master, I loaded your Crusader Kings III Royal Edition, cleaned your Razer Naga Pro gaming mouse...
When was the last time you really enjoyed a game?
Where did the soul go?
How high would you rate Final Fantasy IX among the rest?
Are there any videogame characters that are canon submissive bottoms? Bottoms need more representation in games...
Game has a variety of consumables with unknown effects
You are now aware that super mario bros 2 wasn't released as a mario game in japan
Character is voiced by Steve Blum
Sir, we need a new exclusive
Zig Forums here. Stop playing videogame and go to gym
I just want a Playstation 2 bros
Ultimate gaming setup
I'm actually down to play super mario 64 for the 50th time
Literally Prey 2017 but better
What ruined video games?
Who's hyped?
Why did VHS never take off as a Video game storage medium like the CD & Cartridge did...
Thith ith Aerith
720p gaming is better than 4k gaming if you use a 720p monitor
Why exactly did Nintendo exclude Super Mario Galaxy 2 from the collection? It makes absolutely no sense...
Zig Forumsidya Drawthread
I've watched his videos for 12 years now. When I was young I used to love his gaming videos...
Game has unnecessarily convoluted mechanics
Super Mario 3D All-Stars has now outsold the 2020 sales of every Ps4 game on Amazon
Are there any games that simulate an abortion surgery?
*fails to steal PS5's thunder*
"consoles are holding back gaming"
Mario Galaxy Switch Lite
MC's love interest is written out in the sequel and never returns for some inexplicable reason
We did not make a Switch version of our game due to our relationship with Sony
Download an adult game to coom to
2 months before the supposed release
They made a trunks rpg
He plays coomer games
Why does this year's GOTY not get discussed here much?
Tell me in no uncertain terms your thoughts on the character Rosalina from Super Mario Galaxy
VtuberChad thread fuck j*nny tr*nnies, fuck antis
Thoughts on Nvidias 3000 series?
How often do you replay games you've beaten...
Here's your Caesar Augustus, bro
Someone got the 3D Allstars collection early
He has a gaming related wallpaper on his cellphone
Did Arthas deserve to be in hell?
Did classicfags finally kill RE threads here? let's have one while they aren't looking
Obscure waifus
Any of you anons playing this? I know we've had roms available for decades, but it's on the SNES online...
Games with conspiracies?
Why is Luka so shit?
I can’t believe this actually happened
Convince me to play this game...
Did you forget us, Zig Forums?
Credits songs that give the feeling of sad that it's over, but happy that you've won and completed it
Kairi finally gets her own game
So are you looking forward to any games Zig Forums, or have you given up on the modern gaming industry?
Is sonic adventure really a bad game?
Literally me
Play Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
PSX Games
Fall Guys CM is a huge fag and the infinite fall bug is a ban in most cases
I'm 30 and on Zig Forums. One day this will be you. The thing is, it get's easier at 30...
ITT: hottest vidya girls of all time
Games Women Play
Who did this?
Is Code Vein any good at all? I've heard it's bad, but that's mostly from people who have not even touched the game
Are we ever gonna talk about what happened on April fools?
Well this isn't as good as Bastion
Is Windows 10 LTSC really good for gaming?
Games that aren’t as good as Zig Forums claims
What are some good games to keep the skinwalkers away?
Vidya has an awkward sex scene
ユニfairy-kei game for everynyan*̣uwuっ◌⑅◍ so cute and pastel and yay! playing with the colorful fairies with...
Heres your controller, bro
Wasteland 3
Name her
You have 5 seconds to name a game community with a larger number of literal autists in it
What kind of mental and social disability do you need to have in order to be part of the audience for these?
I am an atheist
On this day I will remind them
VR is a fucking fad and a waste of money
Did this game unironically get forgotten?
Is there any website / way to play Dungeons & Dragons online AND the virtual dice mechanics are REAL RANDOMNESS...
Amazing fangames thread
This year was really bad for the Switch
Where's my new dragon ball game set in super?
I had a mini-heart attack when I was playing a ranked multiplayer game so I'm laying off it for a while...
Post an mspaint drawing of a game and guess what games other people posted
Is Nintendo some sort of holy cow or something, what's the big deal of people ardently defending them?
How will Sony and Microsoft respond?
When you can't design more than one human character
Someone lend me a tenner?
No class customization whatsoever, a class will always play the same
Daniel from Nintendo, here. Geno fans are going to get their tummies filled this week
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles
Eekum bokum
Minecraft Food
9 starters to choose from, one of each type
Will they ever be together?
Literally and unironically, not even memeing or flameposting or consolewarring...
Superhero? You must mean me!
Corona is the Mexican word for Crown
Vidya streamer
Game has bullet drop
Most disingenious meme in a while
PC Gaming
Is there any portable that can emulate ps2 and GameCube games on the market yet?
What are some examples of "Strong Female Characters" in videogames?
What killed the FGC?
Are you getting a PS5?
So, you're really looking forward to that new Cyberpunk 2077 game, huh?
If you never played this before and didn't use internet, how should you be able to know she's in the Lost Woods?
What's their next big announcement?
TG Station thread, let's reminisce about the good ol' days
Comfy khajiit thread
If you think Galaxy 1 is better than 2...
To me, games look good enough now, so why don't developers just focus on art design, higher framerates...
With battle royales being so popular how would you make a Hunger Games vidya adaptation and what 48 characters would...
Battlestations Thread
How were you supposed to know you could jump? It is not explained anywhere
Which Daedra does Zig Forums worship?
Monster Train
Which games have the best alice?
Who killed Blizzard?
What are your dream ports for the Switch? For me the dream ports are: Kingdom Hearts 1.5 + 2.5 plus Zelda Wind Waker...
Bingo bango bongo I don't wanna leave to congo oh no no no no no
Console shows you ads when you boot it up
FFXIV Shadowbringers
How would you rate the roster?
What "black sheep" of a franchise do you secretly like?
We're going home shotabros
GBA Classic Wishlist
What went wrong
That'll be $1,499 plus tip, sir
Videogame soundtrack has violins
Why does it still remain as a xbox exclusive
Tony Hawk's Prop Skater 1+2
Okay, so let me get this straight
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine