There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't want Scorpion or Sub Zero in Smash

>There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't want Scorpion or Sub Zero in Smash

Attached: testyourmight.png (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Would be fucking awesome but will never happen

moron kombat is an irrelevant series ridden with sjw and america wank, it's bottom of the barrel consoomer shit that gets talked about just because of the gore and doesn't offer anything of value in the fighting game community. tekken is the best, hardest and most revolutionary fighting game series ever created that just churned out the best fighting game period in tekken 7 if there is someone who deserves it it's tekken not fucking moron kombat

MK is banned in japan.
what a waste of a thread.

will the characters sweat when they get hit?

I want him in, but it wouldn't be the same without gruesome fatalities, which is why I think it's better if he doesn't join.

Just because MK is banned in Japan that means no one is allowed to want him ever, okay retard

>MK is banned in Japan

Not really banned, just not localized. You can still get it at import stores

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he’s not getting in a japanese game if his game is banned in japan. what’s the point of wanting him in then?

Seems like Japan has some odd priorities to ban the game yet produce some of the most bizarre and fucked up media on the planet.

Scorpion and/or Mortal Kombat stuff would awesome. Also then every classic fighting game would be represented in Smash. The Mortal Kombat series exist for 28 Years now. There should be at least some Spirits or Mii Costumes.

>okay retard
oh the irony

He has to be in. Sakurai said that smash ultimate is a "celebration of games". Without any Mortal Kombat Fighter this would become a lie

"celebration of games" from the perspective of the Japanese excludes Mortal Kombat because they don't know what it is

they'd get censored into the ground. Do you honestly want them without blood effects?

It's not like it's completely unheard of. Scorpion and Sub-Zero were handled really well in the Injustice games.

I mean, Scorpion and Sub-Zero both appeared in Injustice, where they didn't have their fatalities or X-Rays; in fact, Sub-Zero could be a more lkely option; just base him off of his IJ2 appearance

American solipsism is cringe. Why do these dream lists always have all Western characters? Banjo is all you're going to get.

Ehh... I still think you'd need fatalities and the blood to properly include a Mortal Kombat character in a Smash game.

Enough fighting game characters. He's gonna have some fucked up inputs for super secret specials that KO at 50%

Also no more RPG characters, or sword users

How is that tagline not

I don't disagree so quit replying to me

>fucked up inputs
dude, doing dashdances is harder than anything on moron kombat

they literally make up less than 1/3 of the roster enough of this shitty meme

Get that tranny shit outta here nigga.

personally, if we had to go for a no blood or gore
character, it'd be easier to go for Liu Kang or Johnny Cage, funny enough.
>MK characters
>having super secret inputs
at most, they'll have "get this character to this percentage on their last stock and perform this move to instantly erase them" for Brutalities. MK is one of the easier fighting games

kinda like USA. and Korea.
all the countries are the same

Yeah I agree. Johnny Cage is a much better choice.

Now THIS is schizoposting.

The funny thing is that Scorpion's most iconic fatality can still work as a final smash
Just have Toasty end on an explosion

Scorpion is popular enough that people wouldn't mind he's censored. Plus just playing him against Ryu, Mario, and Pikachu would make people forget that.

Tekken's main guy has a Mii costume
dilate trannie

>Less than 1/3

I've removed every RPG character and every sword user. This game has enough of them.

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And even then i FORGOT SOME FUCK

There's just so many of them i can't really track them

Less fist characters please.

How is Japanese media any more fucked up than decapitating people's heads and having them dump an olympic-sized swimming pool's worth of blood?

There are more cartoon animals cluttering up the roster than sword users.

Move list?
>Neutral b: Flame breath
>Side b: Chain
>Down b: Teleport
>Up b: Flame wheel kick? Fire uppercut? Chain spin attack?
>Final Smash: idk pick one of his fatalities and "friendly" it up

It's a game for babies it needs cartoon animals.

Let me guess, you want doomguy in right?

Attached: Doom-2016-glory-kills.gif (500x281, 2.4M)

do smashfags really?

If it wasn't for the trademark fatalities which you can just watch on Youtube, Mortal Kombat would have been forgotten quickly.
And Mortal Kombat won't even get a spirit.

No, he'd have to be censored to get into the game too.

There's more to japan than turn based fantasy characters

And they're already in the game. Don't tell me you want worthless shit like Klonoa or Agumon.

Sure why not?

Attached: 5742bfe7-3baf-48c2-86f0-b216181c4683-smash-bros-ultimate-roster-doomguy-1.jpg (646x293, 36.89K)

>And Mortal Kombat won't even get a spirit.
Cope and dilate

I want Chell from Portal.

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That's not Japanese

Charizard's down throw is literally more brutal than Toasty